Quality Control Delays!!

I’ve got deposits at two different dealerships, in two different states for Heritage Blue, Land Cruiser trim level, premium package with 20” wheels.

Got a call from both dealerships stating my VIN was “randomly” selected for quality control.

Coincidence? I will not be playing the lottery today…

Window sticker probably means someone did something somewhere, but my window sticker has been available since 4-12-24. So my best guess would be a computer somewhere is busy but the people who actually fix things..... not so much.
The LC Premium I have been following shows a window sticker with a "Not Original Copy" + "Created 2024-05-30 18:22:41 UTC" watermarks- this appears to be new, but maybe I missed it before- hope this means they are making progress :/
Mine switched to transit to hold then processing and is still at the port where it's been since 4-12-24. I'm not putting any stock in the status until it changes to "truck" LOL
Update ..... the computer guy is at it again! This morning mine switched from "Processing" to "May be in Transit". See if I get a call from my salesman.

I wonder if it's a Toyota code for..... I'll get it by Thanksgiving instead of Christmas....... Hey it could happen!

Update ..... called salesman today, his dealer tracking screen is the same as it was last week "processing" while the Toyota website says "May be in transit" I'm pretty sure that a Port only code for "hey Joe go move some vehicles around the parking lot, so I can update this dang status again"
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I was at a Toyota dealership for my wife's car yesterday. They had a 2015 Land Cruiser on the lot for sale and a '24 1958 in the showroom, I definitely felt like I had made the wrong choice buying a 2024 with a sun roof.

Almost drove out of there with the 2015 and ended the wait. The 1958 did look cool, only concern is the height of the back tailgate area with the battery.
I was checking the Toyota app and my Landcruiser has a VSC fault now. I hope that’s an indication of it going into transit. My Landcruiser has been at the port for 5 weeks.
Noticed mine now has a window sticker available to view as well. That wasn't there last week. Many others that I've been watching at other dealerships, around the same time frame as mine still don't have a window sticker to view. I know we still have the QC hold, but I wonder if the creation of the window means anything in the process? Or am I just hoping and grasping for tiny bits of hope? :sneaky:
where did you see your window sticker? toyota site?
I was checking the Toyota app and my Landcruiser has a VSC fault now. I hope that’s an indication of it going into transit. My Landcruiser has been at the port for 5 weeks.
Sorry to say…my FE has been in port since 4/22 and has given me that message in the app ever since.
Sorry to say…my FE has been in port since 4/22 and has given me that message in the app ever since.
That’s a bummer. The fault showed up on the app this morning. That’s just odd unless yours was ready for transit and got put on hold.
Yeah after I input the VIN, if asked me to compete this second step (QR or input code)
I was thinking I skipped that step or something. I can’t honestly remember it’s been about a month. You can try adding it on the Toyota site and see what it does.
Yeah after I input the VIN, if asked me to compete this second step (QR or input code)
QR pops up on the audio display. At least it did on our Tundra and GRC

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