Brake Squeal in reverse?


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Aug 14, 2024
2024 LC LC Trim
I'm coming up on 1,000 miles, but am still getting a significant amount of brake squeal baking down my driveway in reverse each morning. Is this normal?
I'm coming up on 1,000 miles, but am still getting a significant amount of brake squeal baking down my driveway in reverse each morning. Is this normal?
I’m having the same problem w mine and it’s right under 1,000 miles. I took it in to be serviced today and was told they did see the problem, unfortunately there are no available parts to fix the problem at this time. They told me the tundra had a similar issue in the last few yrs and that the owners just had to wait until Toyota came out w a solution to the problem…which some waited a yr before they were able to get it fixed. I’m steaming and think this is unacceptable to say the least!
I don’t know, but there are probably 20 eleven other threads on this topic already. Have you seen any of them?
Forums need something like I see in bug tracking systems where a new thread can be marked as a duplicate and merged into an existing thread.
I’m having the same problem w mine and it’s right under 1,000 miles. I took it in to be serviced today and was told they did see the problem, unfortunately there are no available parts to fix the problem at this time. They told me the tundra had a similar issue in the last few yrs and that the owners just had to wait until Toyota came out w a solution to the problem…which some waited a yr before they were able to get it fixed. I’m steaming and think this is unacceptable to say the least!

Oh no, did they tell you any specifics about the issue?
I don’t know, but there are probably 20 eleven other threads on this topic already. Have you seen any of them?

Oh no, I did a quick search and didn’t see them but now looking a little closer, I did find some of them doesn’t seem like anyone has any idea what the cause is.
Oh no, did they tell you any specifics about the issue?
Not exactly, I believe someone said it’s a possible design flaw around the rotor? (Not positive)
I contacted the owner of the dealership and they are having me drop it off for a 2nd time tomorrow to see if they can come up with a temporary solution. I think they said they would try replacing the break pads (although last visit I was told mine were perfect and that they were not the cause of the noise) or add extra temporary padding (if that’s a thing)?
They also filed a claim with Toyota manufacture's department? (I think that’s correct.)
But honestly, at the time, I was so heated by the whole situation…so I may have the above information incorrect. Hopefully, I can get more info after tomorrow’s visit.

I’m pretty annoyed by it all and really feel like they should replace my vehicle with one that doesn’t have this issue, as not all of them do, and considering there isn’t a sure fix at this time.
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mine has done this since new - worst when level pulling out of garage in morning - very loud too - really annoying and super disappointing for a brand new vehicle