Anyone's brakes squealing when you reverse?

Dealer couldnt replicate last week and told me I have to leave it overnight. I said you guys know about this issue, which she said yes, but they have to hear it themselves for a warranty issue. wtf
Mine does it every morning but so did my 16 yr old FJ, I assumed it was a toyota thing for the last 16 years.
At least it's only in reverse and first thing in the morning. At least for me.

Could be worse. My wife's cayenne has a slow speed squeak that porsche cannot solve. Multiple tsb and parts replacements. It basically happens at parking lot speed and is somewhat embarrassing 😳. Imagine driving a very expensive suv at the store rolling by everyone, squeal, squeal , squeal ad infinitum
Heard it for the first time last night. It seems to only happen when I back up when everything is cold. I park backed in so it makes sense that I don’t hear it usually. Left the truck out and then backed it in cold and it made the squeal. It is def not a great sound but might not be a real issue? Curious though and gonna follow this thread.