Anyone's brakes squealing when you reverse?

Dealer couldnt replicate last week and told me I have to leave it overnight. I said you guys know about this issue, which she said yes, but they have to hear it themselves for a warranty issue. wtf
Just adding my name to the list. I'm pretty sure it happened once before, but I really noticed it today. I'm at 750-ish miles.
Mine does it every morning but so did my 16 yr old FJ, I assumed it was a toyota thing for the last 16 years.
At least it's only in reverse and first thing in the morning. At least for me.

Could be worse. My wife's cayenne has a slow speed squeak that porsche cannot solve. Multiple tsb and parts replacements. It basically happens at parking lot speed and is somewhat embarrassing 😳. Imagine driving a very expensive suv at the store rolling by everyone, squeal, squeal , squeal ad infinitum
Heard it for the first time last night. It seems to only happen when I back up when everything is cold. I park backed in so it makes sense that I don’t hear it usually. Left the truck out and then backed it in cold and it made the squeal. It is def not a great sound but might not be a real issue? Curious though and gonna follow this thread.
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Hi all - we have a sticky thread in the problems/issues forum, and I made a post about contacting Toyota Brand Experience to get more visibility about this problem affecting us.

Hi all - we have a sticky thread in the problems/issues forum, and I made a post about contacting Toyota Brand Experience to get more visibility about this problem affecting us.

I keep meaning to do that, but it always seams that I have 20 eleven things to do, so it never gets done.
My 24' FE brakes sometimes squeal really Lowd when backing up. Usually if it rained out or was put away wet.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Have the exact same issue on my ‘24 LC. Brought to the dealership for the $5K service and they said the brake pads were all good.
I notice the brake squeak when backing up, after it’s been park for several hours and if it has been wet.
Have the exact same issue on my ‘24 LC. Brought to the dealership for the $5K service and they said the brake pads were all good.
I notice the brake squeak when backing up, after it’s been park for several hours and if it has been wet.
Dealership had to shave down my rotors and that fixed everything no more squeaking!! Hope this helps you and everyone else watching the thread
My wife and I had a 3rd gen 4 Runner that would squeal in reverse a lot. Did a lot of googling, research, etc, and
I think they were kind of known for that. I can’t help but wonder if it’s just something about the brakes on these rigs. I don’t recall my 2010 FJ doing it.
In the “Brakes Squeal” thread, it was announced that Toyota WILL FINALLY be releasing a recall/fix for this problem.

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In the “Brakes Squeal” thread, it was announced that Toyota WILL FINALLY be releasing a recall/fix for this problem.

I have a brand new 2025 with less than 1000 km on it. Backing out last night, I heard it for the first time. Apparently not fixed on the '25's either.
Our Mercedes GLC does this, the C-class we had before did it, all three of the BMWs I’ve owned did it. It might in part be a product of the brake pad construct they use.

That said, our Bronco Sport does it too, and does it too much. Something is wrong with that one.
Our Mercedes GLC does this, the C-class we had before did it, all three of the BMWs I’ve owned did it. It might in part be a product of the brake pad construct they use.

That said, our Bronco Sport does it too, and does it too much. Something is wrong with that one.
Does the GLC squeal occasionally, or constantly when braking in reverse? I would not like, but probably tolerate, a squeak at times. My squeels all the way down my long drive, causing neighborhood children to cry and dogs flee. I think the likely cause is the rotor is within spec but has either inadequately roundness or smoothness in reality.
Please call Toyota customer service 1-800-331–4331 to complain about the break noise. Mine have squealed since the day I bought it and I’m at 5000 miles.They told me they won’t fix this or put out an TSB until enough. People complain to them
My 2025 LC 1958 just started doing this last week. I’ve only noticed it two times and for a very short duration. My vehicle is right at about 1450 miles now.

Is there even a fix for this outside of Toyota replacing the calipers/pads/rotors under warranty? Feel like the issue would just come back after a short time.
My 2024 LC FE has the same issue. Dealer replaced front pads and resurfaced rotors, the issue went away but is now back. I took the vehicle back today and suspect they'll replace the rear pads and resurface the rotors as well.