Built in Tire inflator wiring??


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Dec 12, 2023
Calgary, Ab
Anyone care to check the right side fuse box and confirm? (middle of pic, bottom left, 50A)Saw this on a different forum.. Next up would be finding where the circuit goes, in the GX it ends up in the rear drivers side compartment behind the wheel well.


I may have missed one, but I don't see where K94 is listed on the TPMS wiring diagram.
I may have missed one, but I don't see where K94 is listed on the TPMS wiring diagram.
Not part of TPMS... Its a wiring harness for a tire inflator. Actual wiring diagram is from a GX550.
Very interesting that there is a 50A circuit labeled "tire inf". I have been trying to decide where to plug in a 15A max Viair 85P inflator with a 12V cigarette connector. So far, I've tested it by plugging in a 7-pin/12V port adapter to the outside tailgate 7-pin port. This works with the vehicle engine on.

In the photo @mkg posted above, I see a 30A circuit labeled "towing brk" and a 30A circuit labeled "towing tail". I'm thinking these both run to the tailgate port. So, I think I could be OK with the Viar 88P (that has a 20A max rating) plugged into the tailgate port.

I'd rather plug the inflator into a 12V port inside the vehicle, but don't know the fuse/amp rating of that circuit.

Any opinions on this? (Assuming the LC wiring is the same as the posted GX photo.)
I couldn't find it......
Odd.. as all other fuses labelled in the near vacinity are there!
Hopefully they just didnt re-use the GX fuse panel and just not include the wiring harness.
When I get to the wiring point of my air compressor installation, I'll explore if in fact that fuse is on a hot buss, Assy buss or un-bussed. It would make for a convenient power source for my relay box.


I noticed a few others on mine that were missing relays/fuses. The most notable was heated washer nozzles. That would be nice to have in the winter.