Car is freaking out - is there a reset?


📛 Founding Member
May 5, 2024
2024 FE. 1991 turbo diesel vx.
Anybody seen all these error messages? I’m 6,000km from home and dealerships here are busy…

I’m really only worried about losing braking.


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Dude, I wouldn’t be trying to reset these. I would have it towed to a dealer. That’s a lot of errors. It appears something is seriously wrong with your car.
tow truck on the way. of my 8 land cruisers - except for flat batteries, this is the first time I haven't had a driveable one. wth all the error messages i felt like I won the lottery.
tow truck on the way. of my 8 land cruisers - except for flat batteries, this is the first time I haven't had a driveable one. wth all the error messages i felt like I won the lottery.
Best luck. Be sure they don’t tow it to a Land Rover dealer by accident! :)

Let us know what happened.
The only time I have ever seen so much go wrong with a car, is when there was a loose connection to the 12 volt battery. Once it was reconnected properly, all the idiot lights went away. I am sure that this is not the case with yours.
I am hoping it's battery related. A similar thing happens on a Dodge Promaster Van where every dash light comes on if the battery is bad. I think a few members have already had bad batteries.
Following. Hopefully it’s a quick easy fix on Monday despite all the warning messages!
I really hope you get an answer, soon. I am probably going to buy a good diagnostic code reader to leave in Miss Daisy, for occasions just like this. Or maybe I will just put my worry beads away, and enjoy her.

On one of the motorcycle forums that I am on, a common response to new owners asking questions about their new rides is, “Oh, they all do that”. With ALL of us being BETA testers for the LC 250, I hope that doesn’t happen with our trucks.

I seem to recall other posts on this forum where the dash board Check Engine Lights lit up like a Christmas tree, and by the time the truck made it all the way to the dealer, on the back of a flat bed, everything had magically sorted itself out, and the techs could not find any evidence that the lights were ever even lit up…
Soooo that happened to me at the dealership when I opened the hood and started playing around with stuff near the engine (like I used to on my very old LC) and opened something that looked like the battery connectors (but it wasn’t as you should all know by now the battery is in the rear) that connected the hybrid battery to the engine.

I closed it right away, but all the crazy light that you had started blinking. The car wouldn’t move for a while. I turned it on and off a couple of times, it eventually moved, but you can tell it was only the engine and the hybrid battery was not responding.

Anyway, long story short, they had to reset it and the problem went away.

I, on the other side, learned my lesson that you should not play around under the hood anymore.. too many things i don’t understand…

Good luck and hope is nothing…
Ehen my dash went crazy, kinda like was due to a dead 12v battery.
Yea, a loose battery ground connection did that to the 2012 Subaru Outback Limited, that I gave to my daughter and son in law. It took me 10 minutes to get my son in law to go check the connection while I was on the phone. He tightened it, all was well again.
Yea, a loose battery ground connection did that to the 2012 Subaru Outback Limited, that I gave to my daughter and son in law. It took me 10 minutes to get my son in law to go check the connection while I was on the phone. He tightened it, all was well again.
Man, I hope you're right. Simple solutions are best. The electronics, computers and software have gotten so complex and pervasive in modern vehicles that I wouldn't expect the guys at a dealership to be able to diagnose, let alone solve, anything but the most basic problems.

Makes me miss the days when you could fix pretty much anything on a car with a hammer and a screwdriver.
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Sucks to have those kind of problems on something new but hopefully it is something simple like the battery. I've seen a loose ground cause similar issues. Keep us posted!
It has to be simple thing. Too much electronics is bad, especially in a Land. Cruiser which is truly not a road car although that's where most live in the US. In East Africa I bet the new ones don't have all this nonsense. MY
FJ55 is still working there, we did do a carburetor overhall a year ago. You all remember carburetors.
I am so sorry to see that issue with a new 2024. Scary. Take it to the nearest dealer. They will jump the cue and p lug there computer into it.