Air condition

The dealership told me the 1958's have a little bit different of an ac system. no ventilated seats, cool box etc. so maybe why some folks aren't seeing the issue. but I would think if FE/premium actuators are bad, it would apply to all. also think it depends on outside temps for some reason.

my 1958 does the same as what's described in this thread. Auto does seem to work better, but manual is hot above LO. it is 20-30 degrees here currently though.
Dealership had me bring it in again because the Toyota master tech was coming in. They wanted him to witness the issue of AC blowing hot at 60. He said that is how its supposed to operate and there is nothing wrong. Didn't expect him to fix it in the first place but I did expect him to at least agree and move the complaint up the ladder. Dealer associate agrees with me that its messed up, he doesn't see the issue. They said nothing else they can do. Really upsetting for me and I am contemplating selling my LC because of it.
I made a YT video just to show people more easily what is going on. curious to know if some folks are not seeing anything like this at all or exact same issue. exchanging DMs with Toyota NA on instagram to try and get the case escalated because the field tech blew it off.
I made a YT video just to show people more easily what is going on. curious to know if some folks are not seeing anything like this at all or exact same issue. exchanging DMs with Toyota NA on instagram to try and get the case escalated because the field tech blew it off.

Any updates on this?
Any updates on this?
I messaged Toyota NA on IG and this was their response. basically giving me nothing. I am not dealing with it as much now since the weather has warmed up so I think I'm gonna wait to see if they fix it by next winter at least. but man the blower is still super weak on any setting besides low, then you turn it up enough for heat to kick on and the flow is even more abysmal. This is the one thing that pisses me off about the car otherwise its so hard to let go, everything else about it I absolutely love but man I need normal AC function that comes in even the cheapest of cars.


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Really disappointing and a really clear instance of technology outsmarting itself. If I turn on the AC, I want cold air. I don't want the car to decide what I need.
I messaged Toyota NA on IG and this was their response. basically giving me nothing. I am not dealing with it as much now since the weather has warmed up so I think I'm gonna wait to see if they fix it by next winter at least. but man the blower is still super weak on any setting besides low, then you turn it up enough for heat to kick on and the flow is even more abysmal. This is the one thing that pisses me off about the car otherwise its so hard to let go, everything else about it I absolutely love but man I need normal AC function that comes in even the cheapest of cars.
In other words, toyota knows they have a significant problem with hvac calibration and doesnt want to address it.
My audi has temp and humidity sensors in the dash vents, so the temp and humidity of air it blows in your face is always perfect. Landcruiser behaves as if it has one low resolution temp sensor under the back seat. Not acceptable performance, regardless of its design. Maybe overriding the outdoor temp sensor with a resistor could resolve this. I will look into this.
Thanks for pushing toyota towards owning up to this issue.
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I messaged Toyota NA on IG and this was their response. basically giving me nothing. I am not dealing with it as much now since the weather has warmed up so I think I'm gonna wait to see if they fix it by next winter at least. but man the blower is still super weak on any setting besides low, then you turn it up enough for heat to kick on and the flow is even more abysmal. This is the one thing that pisses me off about the car otherwise its so hard to let go, everything else about it I absolutely love but man I need normal AC function that comes in even the cheapest of cars.
I called the Toyota brand engagement center - but that ended up being some subsidiary and not HQ. They said if I wanted to talk to Toyota Corporate HQ go here -

So I filled out the form and after a few back and forths and case numbers they ended up telling me that Toyota is aware of my issue and that the dealer comparing it to another floor model confirmed that my HVAC was operating as expected. My main complaint with it was the fact that it barely blows hot air in manual modes. They concluded the case and told me there is no manufacturing defect with mine. They also said that there could always be a fix later down the road if Toyota finds out that more are encountering an issue. So maybe the more that notify dealers and open a case with Toyota HQ, the more chance there is there will be a software update that corrects the lackluster manual performance of the HVAC in these.
I'm sick and tired of Toyota not doing anything about this problem. If we all flood their web site with comments about this, Toyota won't have any other option but to fix the problem. Please go to their Brand interaction link and leave the comment. make your complaint directly to Corporate and maybe they will do something about it. this is the link: