Search results

  1. mayonayze

    🛠️ What Have You Done To Your LC250 Today?

    DUDE! More pics and details please
  2. mayonayze

    Lowering Option?

    Deflate and inflate your tires everyday? Or get a new job w/ LC friendly parking
  3. mayonayze

    How can I change the color of the plastics?

    I’m just glad that we can replace single panels instead of entire bumper assemblies. Brilliant
  4. mayonayze

    Skid plate

    Not sure i saw that under my 1958. There was nothing to remove, just lower or drop the front skid (if already installed) and slot and bolt it up. Good luck!
  5. mayonayze


    Anybody tried this size on the stock 1958 wheel?
  6. mayonayze

    How are you Closing your Hood?

    Different strokes, as they say. I typically execute the first few oil changes on a new yota and after that, its the shop handling that. So checking dipsticks for the entire life of my vehicles is beneath my pay grade. And again, without a single consequence shrug
  7. mayonayze

    How are you Closing your Hood?

    Drop it. I’ve done it on every truck i’ve ever owned without a single consequence
  8. mayonayze

    Show us your wraps!

    Gloss black. Kinda dig it, but not certain yet. Will let it marinate for a few weeks i guess…
  9. mayonayze

    Windshield replacement national back-order?

    My wife’s ‘24 Pilot had to wait 4 months for a windshield replacement. AFAIK, Honda still has them on back order. 3rd party options weren’t yet available because the safety sense integrations hadn’t been made available from Honda quite yet, or whatever such excuse was being socialized at the...
  10. mayonayze

    Savagegeese LC review is out

    Those guys are clowns. There isn’t half of an interesting review between them.
  11. mayonayze

    Blacked out Roof (vinyl wrap)

    Looks great! My meteor goes in tomorrow. I’m slated to get gloss black on roof and A-pillars. I waffled for weeks on whether or not to do the A-pillars. The only pic of a wrap w/ the pillars was on a white (below) and i think/hope the way it works so well on white carries over to the meteor...
  12. IMG_3284.png


  13. mayonayze

    Tire Upgrade ?

    Lookin good!
  14. mayonayze

    1958 seat replacement

    With enough money, i reckon anything is possible
  15. mayonayze

    From PA

    You lost me at pickle ball… Welcome all the same
  16. mayonayze

    🛠️ What Have You Done To Your LC250 Today?

    On 1958? Any other pics?
  17. mayonayze

    Tow Hitch Discoloration

    And even then, i’m still not putting the GD diaper back on it. Rust FTW!!!
  18. mayonayze

    StickerFab - Hood Overlay 1.0

    Bronco stripe looks good
  19. mayonayze

    Black Steelies - test fit

    Looks super tight against the calipers on the front?
  20. mayonayze

    Removing front grill

    Folks around here have added the trd stripes in their grills. I think there are creative ways to get it done w/o removing grill. Trick is how to tighten the inside nuts on those long ass screws/posts from the outside of the grill. 🍿
  21. mayonayze

    Thoughts on Overall Looks of LC v. GX

    Overtrail looks pretty good. If not for the LC, i’d prolly be in that.
  22. mayonayze

    New to the Land Cruiser world (after 17 years with FJ Cruisers).

    Fine collection of sleds, friendo 👌🏻
  23. mayonayze

    Manumatic Shifting

    Anyone used it yet? Impressions?
  24. mayonayze

    Sightings on the Road?

    I don’t think these are supposed to be high production, so hopefully they stay kinda rare.
  25. mayonayze

    Sightings on the Road?

    Super rare in these parts
  26. mayonayze

    Hello from Eastern MA!

    Looks good! 🍿for tire swing
  27. IMG_3313.jpeg

