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  1. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    Over 60 not bad it's the over 70 and 85 crowds. Here's a good study.... Driving Performance in Older Adults: Current Measures, Findings, and Implications for Roadway Safety
  2. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    Well I seem to be hitting some nerves today again. Another apology if I did to you. Yes in Florida elderly drivers are notorious for hitting motorcycles. Even way back then, I can remember being stopped at a light in the left side of the lane so I was in front of the drivers vision and elderly...
  3. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    Oh gosh. I am the son of immigrants. I really stated that wrong. I apologize. What I was really thinking was these illegal immigrants that don't get drivers' licenses and insurance. The notorious for hit and runs in Florida and I'm sure everywhere else. No offense to you or anyone else. I think...
  4. Nick

    Sold After 38 Days!!??

    One problem is it's the end of the year so they've probably have stopped production on almost 24 models as they're getting ready to start rolling out the 25s. If you can hold out, you might want to try to do a 4Runner that I heard is coming out anytime between December and February and I'm sure...
  5. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    I always wanted a BMW. Don't know why I never did get one. I had almost died T-boning a car back in' 88.I survived with very little injury. Also in I wouldn't ride for anything today but to save my life because of all these texting drivers and illegal immigrants without without drivers licenses...
  6. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    Thank you Farooq. I believe in top-tier gasoline only just as Toyota recommends. Have you put any amount of mileage in regular or sport mode? I'm curious if it would act different. As for the warranty as others have stated, I'm wondering if the LC itself and/or technicians and/or engineers...
  7. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    OK so we're trusting you that these engineers actually existed.🤔😄 Seriously though, I have never seen where only 87 octane fuel is available. Has anyone here seen that or live where it is only available? I did a Google search and I cannot find the answer. I found where 85 is available and 91 but...
  8. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    It's so funny how I teach them stuff. I'll ask him something like what's that for. And I get the answer I don't know and then I tell them. Or I'll ask him does it do this or have that or this or that with I don't know answers. I wind up demoing the vehicles to them more than they can do to me...
  9. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    I wonder if you could get a dealership to tune it to 87? I will have to ask. It wasn't that long ago where you could buy a chip for about 300 bucks and replace the chip in your vehicle but you had to send yours back to them I guess they return them. I don't imagine you can do that anymore and if...
  10. Nick

    Super Confused in Fuel needed for 2024 Land Cruiser.

    I never asked the sales people anything except technical questions like how does something work, etc. I did ask mine this time if it required premium fuel because I usually ask that question before I make a purchase so I don't make that purchase but this time I forgot to even though I thought of...
  11. Nick

    Sold After 38 Days!!??

    We all have our reasons when we do this and many of us just like to be up-to-date especially when newly design models come out. That was why I traded my 22 Colorado for a 23 Colorado. Unless we grew up with a silver spoon in our mouths or spoiled rotten from mommy and daddy, most of us do value...
  12. Nick

    Sold After 38 Days!!??

    I actually was a week away from receiving the newly design 2024 ranger when I stopped in Toyota and fell in love with that Tacoma off-road that I purchased. They were a few and far in between around here. The first '19 Ranger had lots of electrical issues. It took six weeks for them to test one...
  13. Nick

    Sold After 38 Days!!??

    Thank you I do remember reading that a while back and I'll look into it to see if I can find it. Thank you for your reply.
  14. Nick

    Sold After 38 Days!!??

    From the DRCC on down, I could've written that post. I agree with everything you say there. I only have 260-ish miles on my LC, so I haven't come up with my list yet. The 24th Tacoma off-road I had was by far the best vehicle I have ever owned which have mostly been trucks. That is why I went...
  15. Nick

    Hit and Run :(

    There's just something about a one-sided conversation on the phone that are so annoying. Sometimes I pull out my phone and I talk as loud as they are but I'm answering their questions or responding back to them. Sometimes I get an excuse me? And I say excuse you what I'm talking on the phone...
  16. Nick

    Premium Fuel or not?

    I was going to ask if any anyone has checked the land cruiser or 4runner blogs to see if there is any Toyota engineers on those sites. We had a few on the Ranger forums and they really helped with questions like this. For now I'm gonna stay with that premium because of that video up above. Will...
  17. Nick

    LC standard tin can horn upgrade to OEM Toyota Premium.

    For the Honda they call that high and low horns. I tried one by itself on the CR-V, the high one, it sounded weird as anything. So I put the other one on and now it sounds like a real horn. It fools people when you have to use it in that CR-V. They're expecting that meep meep but they jump...
  18. Nick

    Hit and Run :(

    I am old enough to remember this country before it turned to crap. There was a time someone like that would've left a note on your windshield with her phone number and or address so they could make it right with you when you got an estimate or whatever. It happened to my new Ranger back in 21...
  19. Nick

    Digital Key

    Many of us had the same issue on the Tacoma 4G site. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app did fix it.
  20. Nick

    Hit and Run :(

    I am a man of faith and I believe in God Almighty. I have no doubt he had his hand on me. 15 years ago I was on my deathbed with lung cancer and emphysema. The doctors told me I might as well just get my affairs in order because it was so advanced and all over my lungs. Every breath I took hurts...
  21. Nick

    Hit and Run :(

    Here's what got me into my LC from my Tacoma recorded on my Blackvue DR750 2CH LTE....(90 mph impact- we both were doing 45) the video makes it look like slow motion but trust me it happened much faster.
  22. Nick

    1958 Horrible Rain Visibilty

    I have used rain-x religiously since 1991. One thing I find that helps is to use the rain-x gallon jug from Walmart or the big box stores in the washer reservoir. First thing I did on my way home from the dealership Friday was to empty the washer fluid reservoir, add bottle a of water drinking...
  23. Nick

    First impressions... Day 1

    I used to drive with my right hand at the 12 o'clock position also. Having read a number of times how your arm gets broken against your face in a collision from the airbags, I learned not to do it although once in a while I'll catch myself from time to time and I move it. Had I been driving...
  24. Nick

    Purchasing Process + Purchasing Advice

    One important thing I learned years ago. When you talk about payment terms, they'll usually just raise the length of the loan to get you in that payment. You have to say I will pay X amount with 3 year financing or I'll pay X amount with 4 yesr financing. Another good thing to do is walk away...
  25. Nick

    🛠️ Member Build Eod Guy's Ride

    Mine would've been off the charts and anxiety would've gave me a coronary at a very young age. Thank you for your service!
  26. Nick

    🛠️ Member Build Eod Guy's Ride

    You only get 1 oops. He never used his.
  27. Nick

    Cabin (wind) noise

    Well my first post after my introductory post. I'm wondering a the wind deflector for the sunroof will help. Anyone have one that can share some input?
  28. Nick

    Jumping over from the Tacoma 4G forum

    Hi all. This is my new home now. I was on the Tacoma 4G site but on August 13, I totaled my 24 Tacoma off-road in a headon collision. Instead of posting all the details here, I'll just give you two links I posted over there. The first link was when I announced that I totaled my truck and the...
  29. Land Cruiser.jpg

    Land Cruiser.jpg
