Only getting 17mpg

It was stated earlier on this forum, that the vehicles are tested in a lab, with the vehicles on something like a Dyno, to come to the formation of the fuel economy numbers. I don’t know what the truth is.
Yes, they are tested in a lab on a dyno that simulates air resistance by increasing the resistance on the dyno roller.

EPA actually asks for several other tests, some of which would probably be very usefully if shared with the consumer. But I assume manufacturers only want to share the portion of the test they are legally required to.

SFTP-SC03: Test with AC on and lab temp at 95F.
SFTP US06: An aggressive highway test at 80 MPH, sometimes called "superhighway" test.
FTP 72: Test for stop and go traffic, sometimes called "supercity" test.

Link below shows the driving schedule and conditions of each test.
What is an LC LC?
That’s how we refer to a Land Cruiser that’s not a 1958 and not a First Edition.

Whereas “LC” could mean any Land Cruiser, “LC LC” is the Land Cruiser Land Cruiser edition, because for some reason Toyota decided not to name the trim level.
Websites are calling it “base” which I find stupid! It’s not the BASE, the 1958 is the BASE trim level… probably should have a better Toyota Executive name the trim levels better… but that’s just my opinion
LC = Land Cruiser
LC = Land Cruiser

and that concludes our intensive three week course
I guess I could posed the question differently….. I didn’t understand why this thread was calling it a Land Cruiser twice… I’ve been calling mine a Land Cruiser Premium. It has almost every a 1st edition does minus the round lights… which I’m not into but I see why others like them… a nod to the old LC’s.