Not used to the attention this thing is getting

Duly noted, i would not gel well with people from Denver
We're not all bad/unfriendly.. Denver is just a big city now with big city problems. You get jaded by being approached by folks in parking lots asking for money for (insert reason here). Makes you less likely to want to chat/interact with random folks regardless of intentions.
Thank you for your service.

Looking back on it, it was a privilege to be able to serve. Even if it was a fool’s errand trying to nation build in the Middle East and convince Iraqis that representative democracy as applied in a constitutional republic is pretty rad.
Looking back on it, it was a privilege to be able to serve. Even if it was a fool’s errand trying to nation build in the Middle East and convince a bunch of savages that representative democracy as applied in a constitutional republic is pretty rad.
Thank you for your racism.
Lingering dislike for Iraqis got the better of me. Post edited. Apologies.
I have no personal love for Iraqis (no hatred either obviously), but I would wager they didn't like what America did to them. Maybe the first time gets a pass, but not the second.
I have no personal love for Iraqis (no hatred either obviously), but I would wager they didn't like what America did to them. Maybe the first time gets a pass, but not the second.

Have you ever been to Iraq?

I can understand their actions towards us, were the shoe on the other foot I’d probably do the same thing (more or less). However if you plan to f around, prepare to find out. Big boy rules. I’ll happily hand out dirt naps if it means me and my buddies make it out of shit ass Iraq and go home.

I’ll even more happily hand out bottled water and candy to kids in some dusty hot ass village in Al Anbar province. That works out better for everyone.

What I can’t excuse is what they did to each other. There were, and are some truly evil shitheads over there victimizing otherwise innocent people. From banditry, to terrorism, to settling old tribal scores a bunch of those turds deserve every bit of scorn you can come up with. Well that and a bullet or two.
Nah, no popcorn needed. I made an overly sweeping statement painting average Iraqis who aren’t bad people with the same brush as turds that needed flushing.

I’m not mad at Syed117 and I don’t think he’s mad at me. He called out something and I corrected the record. I think we’re all good.
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Thank you for your racism.
Or maybe yours? This was obviously not a comment about race... Ideology and political belief maybe sorta but to go to race right off the bat speaks more to your hang ups than anything else. The world is complicated, nation interests and alliances are complicated, your simplistic attack and deconstruction recognizes neither the reality nor the complexities of the issues and is racist in itself... Let those free of sin cast the first stone...
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