I put my first deposit down on an Invincible in early August 2023, paid another large deposit in June this year and like you sold my virtually new 150 series that month believing the September estimated delivery date……..Hi and welcome.
My thoughts exactly as I’ve had on order since June a invincible and was told September delivery and then later told “don’t know when maybe 12 months” and the impression I get is that Toyota UK don’t want to sell them even though they tell me they want to compete with Defender.
I still have mine on order with no delivery date and car less as I sold my 200 series V8 as soon as I put my order in.
I have a good contact at Toyota if anyone would like to email her and put some pressure on.
I now have an early December est delivery but who knows, not the dealer that’s for sure. This wait and Toyota’s total lack of interest has certainly dampened the new car excitement but no doubt I’ll love it when/if it eventually shows up.