New from UK

Currently have a UK order in 'processing' state for a Sand First Edition. Having gone though a similar process (albeit online orders) for my GR86 the whole process isn't very transparent and tends to look stuck for quite a while before moving on more quickly close to the end. We were told August delivery and I got mine in December. it should be possible to work out which ship it goes on so you can live track it's progress across the world using a ship tracker website.

Spec wise we also ended up with different spec cars to what was on the initial spec sheet (no parking sensors), there's not much you can do about it at this point but if your deposit was placed over the phone/email you always have the right to back out until the last moment.
Welcome Sussex
Do we have to wait till it goes into build before we get anymore information? The Dealer and Toyota UK are saying the orders are not confirmed?
Welcome Sussex
Do we have to wait till it goes into build before we get anymore information? The Dealer and Toyota UK are saying the orders are not confirmed?
Nothing was confirmed for a while until the orders were handed over to some other department for processing. At that point we got confirmation emails and a request for a copy of driving license and asked if we wanted to use our own personalised reg. I imagine this part will be done through the dealer not Toyota online as it was for the GR. The dealer I ordered off (Snows) mentioned Toyota wanted all orders in by the 12th so I'm hoping we see some progress soon
My dealer is not saying the same thing as yours Dave - he is saying I have an order - he may be wrong technically I do not know but that’s how things stand for me

Let’s hope the fact they are intending to start builds of the UK FE in July means the process moves forward quickly and such wrinkles as there may be in the order process are addressed and we all get decent QC inspected reliable vehicles in Sept/Oct compete will aspects of the advertised spec
Mine also. Dave do you have an Order ID number on your My Toyota App?
As for the spec, these cars are always generously kitted out as standard and I’m sure the new model won’t disappoint - my previous cars were with ‘Sunroof’ so I would guess ‘Pano Sunroof’ will be bigger but either one is fine.
September seems like a long wait!!!
My dealer is not saying the same thing as yours Dave - he is saying I have an order - he may be wrong technically I do not know but that’s how things stand for me

Let’s hope the fact they are intending to start builds of the UK FE in July means the process moves forward quickly and such wrinkles as there may be in the order process are addressed and we all get decent QC inspected reliable vehicles in Sept/Oct compete will aspects of the advertised spec
Good Morning to all
i,m just catching up missed a couple of things from you not so easy off my phone , yes I do have an order no. on My Toyota and a congratulations on ordering my new Land Cruiser hopefully all is well , it doesnt help when every Dealership tells customers something different !!