๐Ÿ’ธ LCF List: Dealers charging MSRP for the 2024+ Land Cruiser

Milton Martin Toyota in Gainesville, Ga sold me Miss Daisy for MSRP(TSRP), plus the port added Toyota options.
SFBay area dealers I've talked to:
  • Toyota Walnut Creek: MSRP, waiting list requires a deposit, and it's long enough they don't expect to get through the list this year.
  • One Toyota Oakland: MSRP, also has a waiting list and requires a deposit.

Dealers that are marking up:
  • The infamous Dublin Toyota: $10k markup.
  • Putnam Toyota: $10k markup for now, expect to drop to MSRP as some point.
  • Autonation Toyota Hayward: $9k markup. (Said MSRP until they got an allocation, then demanded a markup.)
  • Fremont Toyota: not selling at MSRP, I'm not sure exactly what the markup is, I haven't gotten a straight answer.
  • Milpitas Toyota: TBD -- no markups listed on the web page, but they are kind of infamous for markups. A couple years ago between market adjustment, required add ons, and optional (but not really optional) add ons they had $25k markups on RAV4's. Maybe they've changed tactics?
Edit: I followed up with Milpitas Toyota and could not get a straight answer on pricing, which probably means over MSRP either with a markup or with mandatory dealer add ons.
Now that I have a Land Cruiser, I should update my list of recommended (or not) MSRP dealers in the SF Bay Area.
  • Jon Sciacqua at Walnut Creek Toyota was great to work with, highly recommended.
  • Jeff Himes at Freeway Toyota in Hanford CA (in the central valley) will try and find and trade for a Land Cruiser with the options you want, for MSRP. If he can get it soon enough, he may be able to change port options. (Same for Walnut Creek.) If you can't pick it up in person, he'll have it delivered (in CA at least).
  • One Toyota Oakland was pretty flakey and disorganized.
  • I think Toyota Sunnyvale sells for MSRP but their communication was not great. They gave me pick of one allocation (which didn't have anything I was interested in) and then I didn't hear from them again.
  • I ended up buying from Dublin Toyota which I don't generally recommend (especially for service) as they mark up everything. I'd happened to ask about one I saw they were allocated that met my criteria, they wanted a deposit and a markup. But when it arrived on Black Friday and the original sale fell through, the salesman called me up and agreed to MSRP to get it sold before the end of the month. Once they agreed, we showed up and the sales process was smooth with no pressure. They even made a somewhat reasonable attempt of matching prices for the extended warranty (~25% markup) although I passed on that.
Here in Texas you can pretty much walk in and walk out with a msrp deal.
when I went there They said $10k for markup and another $6.5k for stuff port and dealer installed like window tint, ppf, roof rack, predator steps, some storage stuff in the trunk, a ball mount etc .
They told me the car was for someone that was supposed to be here today and fell thru. I call BS on that. They can wait 30 minutes on the supposed depositor to show up. The whole deposit thing sounded like a cop out to get me to buy.
I was like I'm not paying for any of that s. Gave the sales guy my biz card and walked away. He called me before I drove off the lot.
That was the last time I drove my 5th gen 4Runner. With a fare trade in value.
They axed the markup and I'm like I'm not paying for the port installed extras. Take off the roof rack and the stuff in the trunk. Eventually they're like you can have it all and then dropped me $1000 below msrp.
Another dealership a few miles further north is known for no markups. But part of the fun is the hard nosed negotiation. It's kind of satisfying. I find it easier to negotiate with the greedy dealers. What comes up must go down harder, gravity assisted.

If you search hard enough you'll get a deal on these LCs and the GX550s are starting to get there too. Now with that extra lift on the 2025 overtrail they're gonna extend that markup crap on the GX for a little longer. I'm gonna mod this LC and enjoy the hell out of it for a couple of three years and go from there.

It's a brilliant piece of machinery.
Here in Texas you can pretty much walk in and walk out with a msrp deal.
when I went there They said $10k for markup and another $6.5k for stuff port and dealer installed like window tint, ppf, roof rack, predator steps, some storage stuff in the trunk, a ball mount etc .
They told me the car was for someone that was supposed to be here today and fell thru. I call BS on that. They can wait 30 minutes on the supposed depositor to show up. The whole deposit thing sounded like a cop out to get me to buy.
I was like I'm not paying for any of that s. Gave the sales guy my biz card and walked away. He called me before I drove off the lot.
That was the last time I drove my 5th gen 4Runner. With a fare trade in value.
They axed the markup and I'm like I'm not paying for the port installed extras. Take off the roof rack and the stuff in the trunk. Eventually they're like you can have it all and then dropped me $1000 below msrp.
Another dealership a few miles further north is known for no markups. But part of the fun is the hard nosed negotiation. It's kind of satisfying. I find it easier to negotiate with the greedy dealers. What comes up must go down harder, gravity assisted.

If you search hard enough you'll get a deal on these LCs and the GX550s are starting to get there too. Now with that extra lift on the 2025 overtrail they're gonna extend that markup crap on the GX for a little longer. I'm gonna mod this LC and enjoy the hell out of it for a couple of three years and go from there.

It's a brilliant piece of machinery.
I wondered the same thing about whether the "original sale" was real, but I did ask about it again when it was supposed to be getting close to arriving and the sales guy said it was no longer available. So probably it was real in this case?
But part of the fun is the hard nosed negotiation. It's kind of satisfying. I find it easier to negotiate with the greedy dealers. What comes up must go down harder, gravity assisted.
When I was searching, I immediately ruled out dealerships with the โ€˜greedyโ€™ mark ups. My reasoning, if the management of the dealership is that unscrupulous on the sale, what is the service department going to do to me later. (There are lots of ways a dishonest service department can screw you).
Longo Toyota in El Monte California is an MSRP dealership. Their waitlist is closed for the time being, but they're worth a plug because they pride themselves on being straightforward.

I saw this list for MSRP dealerships on the Corolla Forum when I was researching this topic.

I got mine from Longo and can confirm there was zero markup.
When I was searching, I immediately ruled out dealerships with the โ€˜greedyโ€™ mark ups. My reasoning, if the management of the dealership is that unscrupulous on the sale, what is the service department going to do to me later. (There are lots of ways a dishonest service department can screw you).
In this particular case, Dublin Toyota service seems to be good in terms of quality, it's just very very expensive. That's their version of screwing you.
Now that I have a Land Cruiser, I should update my list of recommended (or not) MSRP dealers in the SF Bay Area.
  • Jon Sciacqua at Walnut Creek Toyota was great to work with, highly recommended.
  • Jeff Himes at Freeway Toyota in Hanford CA (in the central valley) will try and find and trade for a Land Cruiser with the options you want, for MSRP. If he can get it soon enough, he may be able to change port options. (Same for Walnut Creek.) If you can't pick it up in person, he'll have it delivered (in CA at least).
  • One Toyota Oakland was pretty flakey and disorganized.
  • I think Toyota Sunnyvale sells for MSRP but their communication was not great. They gave me pick of one allocation (which didn't have anything I was interested in) and then I didn't hear from them again.
  • I ended up buying from Dublin Toyota which I don't generally recommend (especially for service) as they mark up everything. I'd happened to ask about one I saw they were allocated that met my criteria, they wanted a deposit and a markup. But when it arrived on Black Friday and the original sale fell through, the salesman called me up and agreed to MSRP to get it sold before the end of the month. Once they agreed, we showed up and the sales process was smooth with no pressure. They even made a somewhat reasonable attempt of matching prices for the extended warranty (~25% markup) although I passed on that.

Correct, One toyota of Oakland is selling land cruisers at MSRP. Sunnyvale Toyota is $1 over MSRP.
I was able to work with Vallejo Toyota for 1k off an incoming 25 LC with premium package.
I got mine from Longo and can confirm there was zero markup.

Can confirm also MSRP, picked up my LC from Longo about a week ago now. Can also add there is no dealer addons, hard/pressure sales to add anything, only item I added was the warranty for my personal piece of mind which was painless. Fantastic staff, really liked my sales guy through the whole process from deposit for VIN allocation to picking up. Came up from San Diego on the train to pick up, painless process 75% of the paperwork was done before going up all had to do was pay money and sign the finalized contract which took a whole maybe 30 minutes max. Even got my red ribbon bow on the LC like I requested with has been a life long goal to take picture with one when buying.

Allocation process was:
Talk to sales person, $1,000 refundable deposit. All communication was via phone/text. Sales per keep me informed of the delivery date without any prompting or asking. They had the LC front and center when I arrived, went on a test drive and signed the paperwork and drive back home.
Northern Utah market:
โ€ข Tony Divino (Riverdale, UT) they are estimating a $3k markup. No deposits taken to get on the list until the specs are released. Then $500 refundable.
โ€ข Bountiful Toyota (Bountiful, UT) estimated ~$3k markup. $500 refundable deposit, but you have to go in person to $ down. They said they might do a sweepstakes and give one away.
โ€ข Larry H Miller Toyota (Murry, UT): MSRP Dealer- $500 refundable deposit. ~80 people currently have deposits in.
โ€ข Mark Miller Toyota: (SLC, UT): MSRP Dealer Also told me that they don't do ANY add-on fees unless THE CUSTOMER adds options. - $500 refundable deposit. 160+ people currently have deposits down (They sell the most Toyota's in Utah and get the highest allocation).
โ€ข Brent Brown Toyota: (Orem, UT): Planning to markup the LandCruiser, no estimate yet. -$500 refundable deposit (30-40 people on their list).
โ€ข Karl Malone Toyota: (Draper, UT): Dealership is planning at least a $10k markup. $500 deposit. They said they get daily inquiries but so far have a short deposit list (I wonder why?)
I was number 40+ at Mark Miller and got mine at the end of August. Not sure how many backed out. I got the exact model and color I wanted. Mid level Traildust.
Portland Oregon area:

Toyota of Portland is charging markups. I was sent a spec sheet and did not reply. The sales person followed up a few weeks later and I informed them of they were doing markups it was a non starter. They never responded. They also want to charge something like just under 3k for PPF and I canโ€™t remember what for some GPS tracker. Nope nope nope.

Gresham Toyota treated us very well. TSRP minus a bit. Chris Moyer there was proactive in securing the options I wanted. Iโ€™d go back 100%. Not really a haggle environment for the most part.

Wilsonville was TSRP but what was in the pipeline was not modifiable at all. Couldnโ€™t find what I wanted.

Havenโ€™t had great experiences at Gladstone. Didnโ€™t engage much.
Toyota of Ft Wayne IN- bought for $5k less than sticker on a 2025 w/premium pkg, illuminated door sills, cargo mat. They were lowest pricing I found in the month plus I was looking. Fairly painless buying/trade process too.
I purchased a 2025 Land Cruiser, Trail Dust/Java with Premium Package, 20" wheels for $68,514 before tax/etc at Dan Deery Toyota in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Super easy to deal with, flew up there, signed the paperwork and was out in under an hour.
Got a 2025 LC 1958 for below invoice in Northern California. Iโ€™d say about 1/4 of the dealers in Northern California with LC 1958 they have been advertising for 60+ days will go under invoice. There is a lot of competition so by contacting about 15 dealers within 150 miles of me, I got three to agree to 58k OTD (including all fees and taxes of over 8%).
Got a 2025 LC 1958 for below invoice in Northern California. Iโ€™d say about 1/4 of the dealers in Northern California with LC 1958 they have been advertising for 60+ days will go under invoice. There is a lot of competition so by contacting about 15 dealers within 150 miles of me, I got three to agree to 58k OTD (including all fees and taxes of over 8%).
Currently doing the same and Iโ€™ll say this; avoid the horrible Roseville Toyota. Anyone here have experiences with Maita Toyota in Sacramento ?
I bought my LC premium for under MSRP at Interstate Toyota in Airmont NY. If you want a 1958, you should be able to get it well below MSRP pretty much anywhere. Seems like that trim is a bit of a flop and I'm doubtful they'll even continue production of it eventually
I bought my LC premium for under MSRP at Interstate Toyota in Airmont NY. If you want a 1958, you should be able to get it well below MSRP pretty much anywhere. Seems like that trim is a bit of a flop and I'm doubtful they'll even continue production of it eventually
Iโ€™ve been wondering the same thing with the 1958. Now that the new 4Runner is for sale, Iโ€™d be surprised if they didnโ€™t mess around with the trim levels of the Land Cruiser here. Dropping the 1958 would be a possibility but it would be a damn shame to lose those round headlights.