
Talk me out of getting a set of K03's in 265/70/R18, rationally I know I should go with a C or SL rated tire but I want to get the K03 which only comes in E rating, K03's are stupid heavy and my offroad use case is less than 5% of my driving.

I'm going from the stock 20" to 18" forged wheels, which, should save me 18 pounds a corner but probably gaining about 20 pounds a corner vs the stock tire.

E load rating also unnecessary for me, I don't tow anything heavy and ride quality will suffer. I'm considering the Bridgestone Ascent, Nokian NAT, strong winter traction is important to me, I'll likely get a set of winter tires next season but it isn't worth it for me to get a set for the remainder of the winter.

The problem with trying to talk to you out of it is that except for the mpg the KO3’s make the truck feel perfect in every way.
I looked at other tires for my 1958, but after having KO’s on most of my Tacoma’s etc., decided to stay with them. I have always had very good service out of them, and like how they drive in most situations. Maybe not the perfect tire, but fits my purpose, probably more than it needs to. 275/70/18

I’m in between KO3 and toyo open country at3. How are you all liking the KO3? Any complaint? Are these KO3 tires loud compared to the toyo?
I’m in between KO3 and toyo open country at3. How are you all liking the KO3? Any complaint? Are these KO3 tires loud compared to the toyo?
I have not owned theToyo’s, but I looked at them very strongly for a bit. In the end, just having such good results with BFG KO’s in the past, I decided to stay with them.

As far as loud goes, I find the KO3’s to be maybe a bit less loud than the KO2’s, but again, no idea how they compare to the Toyo. Someone will chime in I’d imagine.

Really for my moderate off road adventures, I have absolutely no complaints on the BFG so far, but it is early stages. Can’t really see anything going wrong though! They check all my boxes so far.
I have not owned theToyo’s, but I looked at them very strongly for a bit. In the end, just having such good results with BFG KO’s in the past, I decided to stay with them.

As far as loud goes, I find the KO3’s to be maybe a bit less loud than the KO2’s, but again, no idea how they compare to the Toyo. Someone will chime in I’d imagine.

Really for my moderate off road adventures, I have absolutely no complaints on the BFG so far, but it is early stages. Can’t really see anything going wrong though! They check all my boxes so far.
Appreciate the info on this!
I’m in between KO3 and toyo open country at3. How are you all liking the KO3? Any complaint? Are these KO3 tires loud compared to the toyo
The KO3's IMO are perfect in every sense except the MPGs. The truck feels exactly how I wanted it to feel and perform with these tires.

The 4 cylinder hybrid does not like the cold or heavy tires and I'm tempted to try the Toyos next but don't want to give up the feel of the KO3's. I guess it will depend on where the MPGs settle when the weather warms up.
The KO3's IMO are perfect in every sense except the MPGs. The truck feels exactly how I wanted it to feel and perform with these tires.

The 4 cylinder hybrid does not like the cold or heavy tires and I'm tempted to try the Toyos next but don't want to give up the feel of the KO3's. I guess it will depend on where the MPGs settle when the weather warms up.
No perfect world. All have pros and cons. Go with what you love that serves your goal. KO3 is one of the best performing tires. More side wall thickness = less mpg
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I’ve had TA/KO on almost every truck I’ve had. Yes, they are heavy but it’s hard to beat their functionality n durability.
The KO3's IMO are perfect in every sense except the MPGs. The truck feels exactly how I wanted it to feel and perform with these tires.

The 4 cylinder hybrid does not like the cold or heavy tires and I'm tempted to try the Toyos next but don't want to give up the feel of the KO3's. I guess it will depend on where the MPGs settle when the weather warms up.
Admittedly, I am not seeing the MPG hit that most are, maybe because I live in an area that is flat as a pancake and that never gets very cold, but for a few days a year, I am not too sure.

I expected it and would more than understand if I did take the MPG hit because the tires are really good.
Maybe it's mostly the cold. There was some traffic so it was slow going on the commute to work yesterday but the 26 mile trip came in at 22.1 mpg. We saw a cumulative low of 16.9 mpg during the cold spell but it has drifted back up to 17.1 now. I am curious as to how it goes from here. Seems pretty clear to me that the Hybrid really doesn't like the cold.
Admittedly, I am not seeing the MPG hit that most are, maybe because I live in an area that is flat as a pancake and that never gets very cold, but for a few days a year, I am not too sure.

I expected it and would more than understand if I did take the MPG hit because the tires are really good.
I take a huge hit in mpg on cold days - going from 20-21 down to 17-18 mpg. Ouch.
Same here with the cold. The difference is dramatic. I need to move to warm place to make my Land Cruiser happy.
I take a huge hit in mpg on cold days - going from 20-21 down to 17-18 mpg. Ouch.
I am in Munich, Germany for a few days now visiting my close friend.

After he test drove my LC First Edition back in October, he decided that when he got back to Germany that he would purchase a LC to replace his 2016 Discovery LR4 which seems to break almost all the time.

Anyway, the Euro Spec LCs come with a diesel engine which is better than the gas engine that we get in the States which is frustrating because beyond some bigger trucks, Americans will not buy diesels because of bad memories from the bad diesels of the 70s (thanks GM).

He is averaging roughly 9.5L per 100km or roughly 24.7 MPG in the cold.

He is getting KO3s soon, so it will be interesting how much of a fuel economy hit the LC diesel version will or will not take.
Anyway, the Euro Spec LCs come with a diesel engine which is better than the gas engine that we get in the States which is frustrating because beyond some bigger trucks, Americans will not buy diesels because of bad memories from the bad diesels of the 70s (thanks GM)..
I’m not sure many car buyers still in the market, or even still alive, remember the GM disaster. I think this is a much more recent event which had to do with the reason we can’t have nice things. Diesels were sadly making a nice comeback here until they weren’t.

While they should try again the powers that be seem to have decided in favor of electric, whether or not the majority of car buyers have. I suspect factors like the price of diesel & DEF requirements have also relegated them to a more niche market sadly.