Is anyone changing the oil on their LC250 after the 1000 mile break in period?

At the risk of starting a flame war on oil/oil changes etc..

Everyone on here 'knows someone who knows'. It would seem split on 'Yes, by all means.. do any early oil change' and "You are wasting your time and money'. Not here to deliberate who is right, but after seeing what came out at ~500 miles, makes me feel a whole lot better that shit is not floating around in the crankcase any longer. Certainly, doing an early oil change doesn't hurt anything. I'm not sending it in for any analysis.

Would it have made any difference if I waited until 10K? We'll never know for sure one way or the other, but If I started to have internal engine issues down the road, I sure would be kicking myself about not doing it.
Just changed at 1080. Guy at dealer told me this not scheduled until 10K. Told me if they find something wrong at 10K, it’s on me. Holy shit!! I plan on 3K, then my first freebie at 5K, with rotation, etc. hmmmmmmm. Welcome any comments from LC owners that took to their dealer.
This inspired me to call a dealership nearby (I’m bored and it’s a sloooooooow Friday) to ask if an early oil change caused any issues going forward.

Nu-uh. Nope. No. Why would it?

Only thing is that I have to pay for it… ok then.
I did mine at 967 miles at my local dealership. It may be a placebo effect, but the engine and transmission seem a little bit smoother after the oil change.
Just changed at 1080. Guy at dealer told me this not scheduled until 10K. Told me if they find something wrong at 10K, it’s on me. Holy shit!! I plan on 3K, then my first freebie at 5K, with rotation, etc. hmmmmmmm. Welcome any comments from LC owners that took to their dealer.
That’s insane, I would find a new dealer ASAP. I changed mine at 3500 and the only thing my service guy said was “probably a good idea to get that break in oil out of it.”