This. I believe the recommended interval is designed to make the engine last until 60,000 miles and minimize cost to Toyota for paid oil changes. The bottom line, unfortunately, is what drives most companies these days. I want mine to last longer.While auto engines have a filter, you surely know that not all the oil gets filtered during a “pass” thru the engine, and that the total oil filtered per pass thru the engine is not 100% to support lubrication needs. Also, as an engineer you understand that while all engines during break in produce some metal, which is normal, the less particulate in the system the less wear on the engine. Also, the filter on this new engine is comically small. Compared to my other Crusiers, it’s a fraction of the size. Again, I’m sure it was engineered to the needs of the engine, but it’s tiny, and has a fraction of the filtration media other filter housings have.
While a 10k first oil change might get you to the end of your 5 year 60,000 mile powertrain warranty period, that is not my intention with my LC. I’d like to see this thing far exceed normal engine life expectations..
Anyhow, oil is cheap, engines are not. After I’m done with break in, I’ll be doing a simple 5,000 mile regimen. Too easy not to.