What is the weight of wheel only both factory OEM 20” and 18”?

27.3 was based on a tire+wheel weight and the manufacturer's weight for the tire. I've added your direct weight measurement to the spreadsheet. 40lbs was what @solidbrix got then he weighed a 20" wheel directly, the other slightly lower figure is again an indirect figure from other measurements.
Is there a similar chart for 17" wheels and tires? Also to add to the chart I weighed my stock 1958 wheels and they are 32lbs, Stock tires were 40lbs. I thought it was interesting the stock wheels and tires (which are smaller than the higher trims) weigh more.
Is there a similar chart for 17" wheels and tires? Also to add to the chart I weighed my stock 1958 wheels and they are 32lbs, Stock tires were 40lbs. I thought it was interesting the stock wheels and tires (which are smaller than the higher trims) weigh more.
I was focused on the stock wheel sizes, that all started as me trying to figure out what the options were while I waited (still waiting!). Toyota thinks 17" is too small, and Method Wheels told me their 17" wheels only have a few mm clearance from the brake calipers. They fit, and there are a lot of good tire options, but it's too close for me.

Thanks for the wheel weight, I've added it!