
I locked one up in WA yesterday, FE in Meteor Shower. Just waiting for it to get here. Mine is also at TSRP. I turned down a black one in Spokane for $10k market adjustment and one for $5k market adjustment in Wenactchee WA..

If anyone is still looking. I hit pretty much every dealership in Washington / Oregon and a couple in Idaho. I'm still getting messages as they get allocations.

McMinnville, OR has a FE Trail dust & a Meteor shower
Bremerton, WA has a FE in Heritage Blue.
Figured Iโ€™d post a thread for whenever you pull the trigger -

Just purchased a FE in Meteor Shower from an OR dealer at TSRP. Also spoke with I-5 Toyota in WA and they have (3) FEs inbound at MSRP - Black and two MS if youโ€™re looking.

Miranda Clark - saleswoman
[email protected]
Congratulations. Did your saleswoman give you an ETA? Mine is still giving me a range, but he's rather vague. I locked down a Trail Dust FE in Ontario, California.

There are a lot allocated in SoCal, but the dealers seem to be asking ~ $92K. I managed to get mine at MSRP if I agreed to buy gap insurance, and the service agreement which I was OK doing.
Congratulations. Did your saleswoman give you an ETA? Mine is still giving me a range, but he's rather vague. I locked down a Trail Dust FE in Ontario, California.

There are a lot allocated in SoCal, but the dealers seem to be asking ~ $92K. I managed to get mine at MSRP if I agreed to buy gap insurance, and the service agreement which I was OK doing.
My salesman said 6-8wks so Iโ€™ll keep an eye out and see if thereโ€™s a way to track the VIN. They wanted $5k over MSRP but eventually agreed to waiving the dealer markup as I was speaking to a couple of dealers and was ready to purchase.
If you figure out how to track it by the VIN, post it. I have my VIN too. I saw somebody posted 2 ships going in to California in a couple days. I hope mine is on one of those. I think they get trucked up from there.
Congrats on the new purchases. Your dealer should have the info on build completion and shipping date. From that you can triangulate the ship and track from there. Mine is on the second ship.
If you figure out how to track it by the VIN, post it. I have my VIN too. I saw somebody posted 2 ships going in to California in a couple days. I hope mine is on one of those. I think they get trucked up from there.
From another site:

The salesperson (or at least someone at the dealership) has access to a tracking system from Toyota that shows the various stages of production and shipping. It looks like this:

Your salesperson should be able to tell you what step in the process it is on. After "rail depart", there is a black hole of information while the vehicle is on the train - that is, no one except the railroad knows where it is on its journey.

The vehicle is assigned a temporary pre-production VIN at allocation. This VIN will have a letter in the last 6 digits. Your salesperson should be able to provide this to you. My salesperson gave me a printout of the spec sheet which had this temp VIN on it. Some dealers have the incoming allocations listed on their online inventories, you can also find the temp VIN there.

Once the vehicle is built at the factory, it gets a permanent VIN with the last 6 digits all numbers. If you have the temporary VIN, you can register an owner account with it at the Toyota site. The temp VIN will stop working very close to/on the day of manufacture, which is your indicator that the car has been built.

Once you have the permanent VIN (again the dealer should have this info), register an owner account with it on the Toyota site. The spec sheet has a line called "date of first use" which defaults to December 31. That date changes to the date you (or another buyer) drove the car off of the lot. If that date changes before you get word the car has arrived, that could indicate dealer shenanigans (like them giving your allocation to someone else and stringing you along). That's unlikely, but something you can at least monitor if you have the permanent VIN.

From reading reports from others, many dealers don't like giving out information from the Toyota tracker (or even let customers know the tracker exists) because delays are common and it's a hassle dealing with annoyed customers when previously-quoted dates aren't met. But the tracker should at least tell you what stage of the process your car is in. Whether you can get the dealer to give this info to you is unknown, every dealer handles the allocation process differently.

FWIW, my allocation-to-delivery time was 2 months, and I'm in St. Louis. I've been reading that this is the average range for US deliveries. Canada is much worse, with year-long waits common there.

Geeze - I moved from Portland OR to Phoenix - there's hardly been any stock down here showing up... and the FE's I can find are $10k ADM's.
hi everyone, the hardcore fans have researched and presented so much info, that I am highly impressed. From factory temp VINs to train ride to port to names of ships to destination ports, this group is at par with FBI and CIA. I have changed my mind from 1958 to mid tier LC. Dealers are calling me but I will stick to TSRP.
Figured Iโ€™d post a thread for whenever you pull the trigger -

Just purchased a FE in Meteor Shower from an OR dealer at TSRP. Also spoke with I-5 Toyota in WA and they have (3) FEs inbound at MSRP - Black and two MS if youโ€™re looking.

Miranda Clark - saleswoman
[email protected]
Thank you
hi everyone, the hardcore fans have researched and presented so much info, that I am highly impressed. From factory temp VINs to train ride to port to names of ships to destination ports, this group is at par with FBI and CIA. I have changed my mind from 1958 to mid tier LC. Dealers are calling me but I will stick to TSRP.
Can you defibrd FE and TSRP?