Pros / Cons of satin or matte ppf wrap vs gloss ?


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Aug 1, 2024
South Africa
2025 Land Cruiser Prado VXR
I'm picking up my 2025 LC250 in Meteor Shower next week and I'm on the fence about the ppf. It's not cheap, but I think I can live with the quote I got to do full vehicle XPEL Stealth, a semi-matte / satin finish, but XPEL also offers several gloss options for pretty much the same money. I like the look of the satin, but despite the XPEL 10 year warranty I'm a little concerned about real world longevity. Primarily things like would bug splatter or bird droppings or buffing out minor damage cause "glossy spots" in the ppf? Would general wear and tear from washing? Is the satin surface less smooth and consistent than gloss meaning dirt adheres more readily? I've had gloss ppf on vehicles before, but never matte/satin so hoping for feedback from folks with real world experience to balance the dealer/installers "it's magic and flawless and don't worry about it" schtick. Thanks!

I'm leaning towards clear satin over the Meteor Shower, but here's a few pics I found online of a rather fetching olive satin wrap for reference.

