Only getting 17mpg


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Jul 17, 2024
Land Cruiser 250 FE
I had the dealer put on BFG KO2's before I picked up my Land Cruiser FE. They are the same size as the stock (265 70 R18) but I am only getting 17mpg. I have around 2500 miles now and it has not changed. Any one else having the same issue?
Is 17mpg a value you are calculating or is that the total average? Personally, I am planning on resetting that total average again when i get to around 1000mi.

Tires are only 1 piece of the gas mileage puzzle. so it's hard to say why you are getting lower than expected mileage without considering every variable:

Here's some things to consider that impact gas mileage:
  • tires
  • how you drive (lots of acceleration and braking vs expert level Prius hypermileing)
  • short drives vs long drives (short 5-15 minute drives are absolutely terrible for gas mileage)
  • freeway speed vs slower 2-lane highway speeds (i.e. 80mph vs 55mph is a huge difference)
  • winter - both harder on mileage + gas mixtures are worse (probably not applicable right now)
  • summer - blasting AC, idling (applicable right now!)
  • terrain - uphill bad, downhill good!
  • exterior accessories - roof rack, cargo box, loaded bike rack, etc
Is 17mpg a value you are calculating or is that the total average? Personally, I am planning on resetting that total average again when i get to around 1000mi.

Tires are only 1 piece of the gas mileage puzzle. so it's hard to say why you are getting lower than expected mileage without considering every variable:

Here's some things to consider that impact gas mileage:
  • tires
  • how you drive (lots of acceleration and braking vs expert level Prius hypermileing)
  • short drives vs long drives (short 5-15 minute drives are absolutely terrible for gas mileage)
  • freeway speed vs slower 2-lane highway speeds (i.e. 80mph vs 55mph is a huge difference)
  • winter - both harder on mileage + gas mixtures are worse (probably not applicable right now)
  • summer - blasting AC, idling (applicable right now!)
  • terrain - uphill bad, downhill good!
  • exterior accessories - roof rack, cargo box, loaded bike rack, etc
Got it. Commute around 23 miles a day in Eco mode mostly flat here in AZ. Because it is 100 and HOT out, yes I do run the a/c to keep it manageable. As far as accessories, just the stock roof rack that comes on the FE. Thanks for the break down!
here in AZ. Because it is 100 and HOT out, yes I do run the a/c to keep it manageable. As far as accessories, just the stock roof rack that comes on the FE. Thanks for the break down!

I hear you. 😓 I don't remember the last day we didn't break 100 here in Idaho. Sending good vibes to your AC unit!
From what I can find that's a 56 lb tire? Still I wouldn't expect that much of a hit to MPG. Is it a highway commute, or lots of stop and go, flat or hills, etc?
From what I understand.. You need to reset your MPG... As requested...
There appears to be 2 other options that do not like you...
To a point up-thread, this is not an aerodynamic vehicle. Air drag has an exponential effect on efficiency as speeds increase, even more so if you're dealing with any kind of headwind or crosswind, so keeping it to the speed limit on the freeway will cut down on consumption.

I'm a little let down by the lack of hybrid boost I get around town, I was hoping that would kick in a lot more taking off from lights and stop signs than it actually does. It's a surprisingly stingy system.
To a point up-thread, this is not an aerodynamic vehicle. Air drag has an exponential effect on efficiency as speeds increase, even more so if you're dealing with any kind of headwind or crosswind, so keeping it to the speed limit on the freeway will cut down on consumption.

I'm a little let down by the lack of hybrid boost I get around town, I was hoping that would kick in a lot more taking off from lights and stop signs than it actually does. It's a surprisingly stingy system.
Agreed. I thought it would run exclusively on battery more than it does in stop and go traffic.
Im also getting only 16/17 mpg. Its a FE.
4 tank fillups so far. all Premium gas.
Ive done city driving, long highways trips. All about the same mpg. And I'm still using a soft foot as its new.

Any ideas? Many/most here report 20's. Could it be California summer blend gas?
Im about ready to go back to dealer. This MPG is no better than my Tacoma
Agreed. I thought it would run exclusively on battery more than it does in stop and go traffic.
Hybrid control unit is very conservative to not let battery level get low, since it uses the hybrid battery&motor for other "essential functions", most notably, cranking the ICE.

It has a 1.87 kwh (=2.5 horsepower for an hour) battery with 50 horsepower electric motor. A 1.87 kwh batter would be able to generate 50 horsepower for about 3 minutes. So technically, it should be able to move the car easily for 1 minute it if were to use 1/3 of battery, assuming it has cables etc capable to carry that power.
Is 17mpg a value you are calculating or is that the total average? Personally, I am planning on resetting that total average again when i get to around 1000mi.

Tires are only 1 piece of the gas mileage puzzle. so it's hard to say why you are getting lower than expected mileage without considering every variable:

Here's some things to consider that impact gas mileage:
  • tires
  • how you drive (lots of acceleration and braking vs expert level Prius hypermileing)
  • short drives vs long drives (short 5-15 minute drives are absolutely terrible for gas mileage)
  • freeway speed vs slower 2-lane highway speeds (i.e. 80mph vs 55mph is a huge difference)
  • winter - both harder on mileage + gas mixtures are worse (probably not applicable right now)
  • summer - blasting AC, idling (applicable right now!)
  • terrain - uphill bad, downhill good!
  • exterior accessories - roof rack, cargo box, loaded bike rack, etc
I’m only getting 17 as well. I reset mileage as soon as I got it, initially I was 22-23. But around my home with slower speed zones and some hills ect mine has settled into 17 at best
Im also getting only 16/17 mpg. Its a FE.
4 tank fillups so far. all Premium gas.
Ive done city driving, long highways trips. All about the same mpg. And I'm still using a soft foot as its new.

Any ideas? Many/most here report 20's. Could it be California summer blend gas?
Im about ready to go back to dealer. This MPG is no better than my Tacoma
My FE started like that. Around 1800 miles on it now and closer to 21, mixed city and highway. Think it has to break in a bit, but also the FE with the roof rack doesn’t do quite as well as the 1958
My 1958 seems to be getting even better. Starting on my 2nd tank:


But i also very much enjoy creeping around and coasting in EV mode. Its like a video game
Update: working through the 2nd tank


Strange that when i filled up after my gas light went on, only took 12.5 gallons to get back to “full” … sandbaggin mofo cruiser