Love it, or Hate it?

I have only owned 2 black vehicles, a 67 Austin Healy 3000, and a 1985 Honda Accord EX. Both were very hard to keep clean. No more for me. Many people I know insist on white or black, nothing else.
I've had MANY black cars, including my current Tundra. They look so good...when they're clean. They also show their age sooner unless you really keep up on the elbow grease. But yeah, for that reason, I'm getting my LC in Meteor Shower. Had enough.
I’m just not an aftermarket wheel guy period. I don’t actually mind the bronze with black, the colors are good & so I like seeing it in pics. But I wouldn’t do it to mine, the one I don’t have yet that is.
It’s actually nice MC, but not LC ;)
No offensive at all!
If I want MC, the BMW X5-X7 or Land Rover are my picked ones.
MC=Mall Crawler
LC= LAND Cruiser
No offence taken. Not my LC, just saw it online and wondered what people would think. I really like it, but my LC would look nothing like this for the very reasons you've brought up.
I’m just not an aftermarket wheel guy period. I don’t actually mind the bronze with black, the colors are good & so I like seeing it in pics. But I wouldn’t do it to mine, the one I don’t have yet that is.
I really like it, but also wouldn't do it to mine, the one I also don't have yet. Supposed to be Jan 4th to Jan 9th now. We'll see. I'm betting at least the week after that.
I bet the black Healy was a beauty. I always wanted one
It was a money pit. Always had to refill the t-lever shocks. Gas tank rusted as it sat in the trunk (boot) and collected moisture. Had it up to 135 mph with my butt 4" off the ground. Young and foolish days. Had electric overdrive in 3rd and 4th gears. I found a risk prone welder to braise a new bottom on the gas tank.
I've had MANY black cars, including my current Tundra. They look so good...when they're clean. They also show their age sooner unless you really keep up on the elbow grease. But yeah, for that reason, I'm getting my LC in Meteor Shower. Had enough.
Meteor Shower is close to Desert Dune Metallic. Best color to hide glacial slit.