How did Toyota pick this climate control design?

In the pro column here. Rotary is fine but I've also found myself cranking those only to realize it was the volume nob. This is distinct, and like others I set it and forget it. Put it on auto and sync - move on. Like the seats, I do wish the steering wheel had 3 temp zones...and was hotter. A nit for sure,
When you guys say “de-icer” what exactly are you referring to? Mine has a front and rear defrost button. The rear defrost is what runs the mirror defrost. The thing I wish it had that I my 4R had is a wiper de-icer.
We are referring to the windshield wiper de-icer. At the lower edge of a LC's windshield, there are some orangish lines (which are heating elements) embedded in the glass............. there are two ways to turn in on............ neither of which is a physical switch.
Look in climate options


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Re: deicer. I thought it was weird that this wasn’t included when my 14 4R had it. Agreed that that it’s annoying that’s not an actual button. I got used to using it in NE Ohio in the winter. Seems like it would have been a good feature to add to the climate part of the remote start at least. Does it automatically reset to off when you shut the truck down?
Temp control: Yup. Set it and forget it. In Auto it will adjust the air temp coming out of the vents to target that temp automatically. Now, if I could get my wife to understand that :p. She’s wayyyy smarter than I am. But on this, I can’t seem to get this one across. :)

have yet to dig into the manual since mine deposited itself on my driveway last night at 9:30pm but I am guessing the wiper driver is a function of the defrost button? Will update when I dig into said manual.
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I like the Climate Control buttons. All you have to do is hold the button down. You don't have to keep tapping it.
I like the Climate Control buttons. All you have to do is hold the button down. You don't have to keep tapping it.
There are only so many hours in a day!

But the auto setting was in fact everything I wanted, I can't believe I glossed over that.
When I test drove the LC and saw the controls I thought "this is fine, it works fine, I can use this design". So it's fine. I can't figure out why people buy cars and then complain so much about what they bought...genuinely confused.
I like the Climate Control buttons. All you have to do is hold the button down. You don't have to keep tapping it.
Yep. Just hold it up or down. Your making it harder than it needs to be. As far as the steering wheel heater, yes it's not the best location, but it's not like it's out of reach or anything. Overall, I've seen/had climate control set-ups that I like a little better, but I've also seen much, much worse. I have no complaints in that department.
I guess because it looks retro or something? The individual up/down buttons for every action are horrible, compared to rotary knobs.

I have to take my eyes off the road to figure out which button to use. I'm giving myself carpal tunnel hitting the temperature button 20 something times every commute to go from hot to cold with our bipolar weather in the Midwest.

Want your heated steering wheel? Ask the passenger.

Use the touch screen inside? Kick rocks kid, you can only fully control the rear settings.

But at least there's semi functional voice commands so I can shout at it repeatedly trying to remember the correct verbiage.

/rant ... anyone else equally annoyed? Now I know for the future I suppose!
I haven't found it to be challenging whatsoever. I love the controls. Right there and easy to use.
I actually love it. It's not too far different from my previous rig (subaru) and it works just great. I don't use the wheel heater very much as she's garage parked but when I do, it's fine. The deicer was turned on in the options and the setup works fine for me.
It's cold here in E WA this week, and plenty of opportunities to use the heating elements when I get out of work. My honey, who is not a techie person, likes the setup as well. Visual, and easy to use. hit it and leave it.
Re: deicer. I thought it was weird that this wasn’t included when my 14 4R had it. Agreed that that it’s annoying that’s not an actual button. I got used to using it in NE Ohio in the winter. Seems like it would have been a good feature to add to the climate part of the remote start at least. Does it automatically reset to off when you shut the truck down?
Yeah, the de-icer always turns off with the vehicle as well as on a timer when you do turn it on.
There is a good reason why Toyota places buttons in seemingly random places and with different action (some are up-and-down, some are toggle switches with clear offset between ON and OFF position, some are momentary only, some are textured while other are completely smooth). ERGONOMICS.
Airplane manufacturers learned that long time ago. If you make all the switches identical and "clustered", it's extremely easy to hit a wrong button. On the other hand, when buttons are dispersed and have different "feel", you develop muscle memory and you immediately recognize that you just actioned a wrong button. You don't have to move your eyes off the road to recognize what button you're touching. The same applies to gauges BTW. The best example of that is a fighter jet cockpit. In cars, they don't do it the same level, but the general purpose is the same. The best automotive example of this philosophy were old SAABs (SAAB was an airplane manufacturer, too). It's all about being functional and safe, instead of being pretty.
It takes a while to develop the muscle memory, but after a few months, things become a second nature, and you can concentrate on driving instead of guessing which button you just touched.
The only issue with Toyota is that they are not consistent across different models. The same action switch in one model can be located at a completely different place in another model. This makes swapping vehicles different if you have more than one Toyota and drive them frequently. BTW, German manufacturers (mostly BMW) use similar engineering, but more consistently across their product lineup.
Not annoyed at all, like the buttons much better than the all screen designs of the GX.

I’ve also got average length arms, so it’s pretty easy to reach any of the buttons I need.
Yeah, the de-icer always turns off with the vehicle as well as on a timer when you do turn it on.
Yeah, that’s a little annoying. Maybe they can/will update software to include it in the remote start or connect it to the rear defrost like the mirrors.
Agree with OP.... annoyingly slow to go from one extreme end temp to the next. At least the seat heater is almost instant in my cloth 1958 seats... love them (and fast steering heat).

The speed going down in temp really should ramp up when you hold your finger down on it... not just slowly scroll. It's faster to do the monkey button thing and keep hammering away at it trying to get a treat spit out.
Apparently the design is also to allow you to hold the soft plastic and press button with finger in a solid position so you can find the one you need - some YouTube clip with the designer tells all
When I test drove the LC and saw the controls I thought "this is fine, it works fine, I can use this design". So it's fine. I can't figure out why people buy cars and then complain so much about what they bought...genuinely confused.
one of main reaons we picked LC over GX was the (real) button layout. In the LC you can rest your palm on the gear selector while riding the temp button, so it is actually quite ergonomic.
Agree with OP.... annoyingly slow to go from one extreme end temp to the next. At least the seat heater is almost instant in my cloth 1958 seats... love them (and fast steering heat).

The speed going down in temp really should ramp up when you hold your finger down on it... not just slowly scroll. It's faster to do the monkey button thing and keep hammering away at it trying to get a treat spit out.
Does the 1958 not have auto climate control?