How did Toyota pick this climate control design?


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Aug 8, 2024
2024 LC LC
I guess because it looks retro or something? The individual up/down buttons for every action are horrible, compared to rotary knobs.

I have to take my eyes off the road to figure out which button to use. I'm giving myself carpal tunnel hitting the temperature button 20 something times every commute to go from hot to cold with our bipolar weather in the Midwest.

Want your heated steering wheel? Ask the passenger.

Use the touch screen inside? Kick rocks kid, you can only fully control the rear settings.

But at least there's semi functional voice commands so I can shout at it repeatedly trying to remember the correct verbiage.

/rant ... anyone else equally annoyed? Now I know for the future I suppose!
It’s a non issue for me - far better than vehicles in which it’s all buried in a big screen - if that bothers you there must be a long list of other gripes - perhaps it’s not the vehicle for you
It’s a non issue for me - far better than vehicles in which it’s all buried in a big screen - if that bothers you there must be a long list of other gripes - perhaps it’s not the vehicle for you
Nope, only real complaint!
I guess because it looks retro or something? The individual up/down buttons for every action are horrible, compared to rotary knobs.

I have to take my eyes off the road to figure out which button to use. I'm giving myself carpal tunnel hitting the temperature button 20 something times every commute to go from hot to cold with our bipolar weather in the Midwest.

Want your heated steering wheel? Ask the passenger.

Use the touch screen inside? Kick rocks kid, you can only fully control the rear settings.

But at least there's semi functional voice commands so I can shout at it repeatedly trying to remember the correct verbiage.

/rant ... anyone else equally annoyed? Now I know for the future I suppose!
I actually like the design of the climate control. I do find it a bit odd that the steering wheel heater is on the passenger side. Seems like the steering wheel/column would be a better location.
I was not expecting to have the unpopular opinion here. Curious, why do you all find it easier to repeatedly press the button rather than spin?

Are most people just in more static climates?
I was not expecting to have the unpopular opinion here. Curious, why do you all find it easier to repeatedly press the button rather than spin?

Are most people just in more static climates?
Yes, you can choose a single, comfortable temperature, and then let the system go to work! You don't have to constantly readjust how much hot or cold air the system puts out. That's how automatic climate control works in my experience.
I find it much easier then all my other vehicles I own (currently 6) and have owned. I really like the tactile buttons to use for all controls. Sick of it being buried in a screen or whatever like our Tesla. I think this is a very smart design.
I was not expecting to have the unpopular opinion here. Curious, why do you all find it easier to repeatedly press the button rather than spin?

Are most people just in more static climates?
I rarely adjust mine more than a degree or two once I figure out where my comfort zone is, but I also tend to prefer to keep it cooler in general.
Yes, you can choose a single, comfortable temperature, and then let the system go to work! You don't have to constantly readjust how much hot or cold air the system puts out. That's how automatic climate control works in my experience.
My dumb ass did not realize it worked that way. "Who needs to read the air conditioning section of the manual ... " Me apparently.

This could be game changing, thank you all :)
I like that when driving on long trips and it needs to be adjusted, one click = one degree. of course it takes a little bit of time to get muscle memory function for the locations.

As far as the steering wheel heater, I normally turn in on when I get in the vehicle, then turn it off....... so not a lot of on/off while driving and with the muscle memory function, pretty easy to find the edge and move over one switch.........
I also wish there were rotary knobs for temperature. My Rav4 has that it's so much better in winter time for those big adjustments. You can use the voice system and say "Hey Toyota set the temperature to 72", but that's kinda more awkward than just spamming the button.

One more climate gripe to add to the list - the deicer does not have a physical button, so you have to either go through the touch screen or say out loud "hey toyota turn on the deicer". There's spots for the button, and again, my Rav4 has a physical button for the deicer, so it's not like it's a new idea for Toyota.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! I feel much better now!
I also wish there were rotary knobs for temperature. My Rav4 has that it's so much better in winter time for those big adjustments. You can use the voice system and say "Hey Toyota set the temperature to 72", but that's kinda more awkward than just spamming the button.

One more climate gripe to add to the list - the deicer does not have a physical button, so you have to either go through the touch screen or say out loud "hey toyota turn on the deicer". There's spots for the button, and again, my Rav4 has a physical button for the deicer, so it's not like it's a new idea for Toyota.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! I feel much better now!
I have to agree with you on the de-icer........... Should of put a physical button in there somewhere.
I was not expecting to have the unpopular opinion here. Curious, why do you all find it easier to repeatedly press the button rather than spin?

Are most people just in more static climates?
the temp button is mostly useless on mine. I just leave it at 60 and open window to regulate temperature. I prefer knobs too.
I was not expecting to have the unpopular opinion here. Curious, why do you all find it easier to repeatedly press the button rather than spin?

Are most people just in more static climates?
Just press and hold the up/down button… ???
Daily Telegraph has an article today on BMW dropping their rotary control so in future all controls will be on the touch screen - various statements from road safety organisations on the distracting effect and manufacturers arguing customers want the screen and use voice commands and the counterpoint being it’s all really about cost reduction
I have to agree with you on the de-icer........... Should have put a physical button in there somewhere.
When you guys say “de-icer” what exactly are you referring to? Mine has a front and rear defrost button. The rear defrost is what runs the mirror defrost. The thing I wish it had that I my 4R had is a wiper de-icer.