Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

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I miss my console vault in my old truck. Would only secure it when firearms were not allowed on premise. I’m still figuring out a solution to store the gun safely. There is no space underneath the seats to store a small tethered lock box. If anyone finds a solution let us know!
I think colorado just passed a law that guns in cars need to be in lock boxes. Other states have similar laws. Given that it is a land cruiser that is meant for road trips it might be a good idea to have an aftermarket lockbox early on. Because at some point you will need it and then you won't have time to order one. Unless you're sure you'll never travel.
I don't have a problem with a gun in the glove compartment (tho' that's not what I do) it's that you stated you leave it there and if someone breaks in and steals it you don't care cause it's a throw away. IMO very irresponsible. A kid doing a shake and bake (just pulling door handles hoping to find one unlocked) and you just happen to leave your car unlocked this one time.......... and that kid steals your gun and shoots someone with your throw away admitted on this forum that you don't care if it gets stolen, I'd say you would very much be in some legal trouble.

If you're in or in the near vicinity ..... no issues. You leave and leave a gun in the glove box is just wrong on so many levels. At least get a lock box and cable it to the seat mount for your throw away gun.
I usually don’t keep any in the truck but I have a 10mm, 44mag, 38 special, and 22lr. I was once employed by S&W, got 60% discount. 1006 is my favorite.
I don't have a problem with a gun in the glove compartment (tho' that's not what I do) it's that you stated you leave it there and if someone breaks in and steals it you don't care cause it's a throw away. IMO very irresponsible. A kid doing a shake and bake (just pulling door handles hoping to find one unlocked) and you just happen to leave your car unlocked this one time.......... and that kid steals your gun and shoots someone with your throw away admitted on this forum that you don't care if it gets stolen, I'd say you would very much be in some legal trouble.

If you're in or in the near vicinity ..... no issues. You leave and leave a gun in the glove box is just wrong on so many levels. At least get a lock box and cable it to the seat mount for your throw away gun.yea..
Yea.... I taught my kids gun control.... But somehow... You think I need to be the one to protect you from society's issues .... Not my job!

I got a question for you EOD...

If some one broke into your car and stole it... would you be responsible if that guy ran a red light and killed my wife.... according to you... You were a idiot that let your LC get stolen.. and should pay for the rest of your life for the death of my wife!

How F'ing dare you allow your LC to be stolen.... It's your fault My wife is now dead!!! You SOB!!!

It works both ways EOD.. Guns and Vehicles are tools... neither kill... but people do!
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Yea.... I taught my kids gun control.... But somehow... You think I need to be the one to protect you from society's issues .... Not my job!

I got a question for you EOD...

If some one broke into your car and stole it... would you be responsible if that guy ran a red light and killed my wife.... according to you... You were a idiot that let your LC get stolen.. and should pay for the rest of your life for the death of my wife!

How F'ing dare you allow your LC to be stolen.... It's your fault My wife is now dead!!! You SOB!!!

It works both ways EOD.. Guns and Vehicles are tools... neither kill... but people do!
Get off your righteous high horse. There is a gigantic difference between handguns and vehicles. I don't want or need you to protect me from anything, very capable of doing that without your help. Just know this....... If your stolen gun ever killed someone I love, you'd find out just how big an SOB I can be.
Get off your righteous high horse. There is a gigantic difference between handguns and vehicles. Just know this....... If your stolen gun ever killed someone I love, you'd find out just how big an SOB I can be.
Said the guy that has his family intact... Your a product of your news outlet...

Guns don't kill people... People do... Until you learn this your going to be what your are...

Look at England... Knife attacks more than quadrupled...even after the knife ban!

I rest my case... There are no winners here... only us whom want to protect our family

But I have My guns ...


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Dude what are you even talking about! I think you're irresponsible for leaving a gun in your glove box unattended, period.

I know stupid people do stupid things.
This has taken a bad turn from what this site usually is, kindly going to ask that people quit with anything that isn’t LC related.

If anyone sees or hears of any long gun rack that fits in the storage space I am interested though.
Said the guy that has his family intact... Your a product of your news outlet...

Guns don't kill people... People do... Until you learn this your going to be what your are...

Look at England... Knife attacks more than quadrupled...even after the knife ban!

I rest my case... There are no winners here... only us whom want to protect our family

But I have My guns ...
Not bad shooting for an old fart.
Dude what are you even talking about! I think you're irresponsible for leaving a gun in your glove box unattended, period.

I know stupid people do stupid things.
He's just shouting at strawmen... "Guns don't kill people, people do! You're a product of your news outlet!" He's not even having a debate with anyone here, just spouting npc jargon. Go enjoy a beer and let him shout at the clouds.
Dude what are you even talking about! I think you're irresponsible for leaving a gun in your glove box unattended, period.

I know stupid people do stupid things.
Yea and allowing your car to get stolen is no different. You need to secure it... A Garage is not secure! Leaving your LC unattended is irresponsible! How many deaths from stolen cars do you need to see before you stop leaving your car unattended?

No difference!
Again... sensitive topic

No right or wrong...

How many keep a firearm in their car...

So far about 2 or 3 of us...
Did I just read someone saying guns and cars are both just tools?

I mean, I'm no expert other than growing up hunting my entire life, but pretty sure cars are used for transportation and guns are used to cause harm. Equating those two is directly in some gun nut territory.

Again, I'm not a scientist.
Did I just read someone saying guns and cars are both just tools?

I mean, I'm no expert other than growing up hunting my entire life, but pretty sure cars are used for transportation and guns are used to cause harm. Equating those two is directly in some gun nut territory.

Again, I'm not a scientist.
I know a lot of people that I consider tools. Just saying. 🤣🤣🤣
Being a Canadian I guess I grew up around very different norms regarding attitudes towards handguns. They are tightly restricted here. So my opinion is heavily impacted by that and I would never even consider keeping a loaded gun in my vehicle. My guns (hunting rifles and shotguns) are locked in my gun safe with trigger locks and ammunition is stored separately.

I respect your right to own legal guns in accordance with your laws. But the idea of a throw away gun is extremely foreign to me. No gun should be regarded with such a Cavalier attitude in my opinion.
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