Fuel tank efficiency


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Aug 5, 2024
Jackson TENNessee
2024 Land Cruiser
When I fill up with 20=30 miles showing on the dash mileage of distance left for fuel. It usually takes 13-14 gallons to fill up. Does this mean I have 3-4 gallons for reserve?

Toyota does this on pretty much everything to give a reserve and keep the fuel pump submerged for longevity since the fuel pump is cooled by the fuel around it.
I keep on hearing about this reserve fuel tank on the Toyota LC. However, I have not come across any documentation from Toyota stating as such.

Does anybody have any information from Toyota that there is an actual reserve tank somewhere
When I get dang near close to empty and fill up my tank, it only takes 14-14.5 gallons of gas. Thatโ€™s happened multiple times. Thatโ€™s the proof Iโ€™ve got and believe! That or I guess the alternative is that Toyota lied and there is a smaller tank than they said?
I would challenge anybody to run any of their vehicles until the gauge reads empty, fill it up with gas and bounce that against what the actual capacity of the tank is............. you would probably get similar results............. now the true question is...... how far past "E" are you willing to push it. The old TV series Seinfeld did an episode on this very subject!

You can make your gauge read more accurately, but that would involve dropping the fuel tank and adjusting the sending unit levels and might be worth the thousands of dollars to have someone do it........... but not me.
Why is this even a question? I thought it was common practice to have โ€œreserveโ€ below zero.
I don't know about common practice but I do know my other vehicles. If I run them dry they get filled up with the exact number of gallons that the manual states it holds.

Whereas the LC it seems like it does not happen this way.
I believe I read somewhere in the manual that the reserve is 2.7 gallons. So when the gas light comes on you have approximately that much gas left.
I filled up yesterday showing 42 miles until empty and it took 13.5 gallons. Right around 20mpg average so I think there is a couple gallons left at โ€œ0โ€.
I try and live by a "half tank is an empty tank", now if I can just get my other half to do the same. Keeping the fuel pump submerged will help keep it cool and happy.
I don't know about common practice but I do know my other vehicles. If I run them dry they get filled up with the exact number of gallons that the manual states it holds.

Whereas the LC it seems like it does not happen this way.

Running a fuel tank nearly dry on a regular basis is a great way to cause a premature fuel pump failure. Just because your other vehicles will register empty when truly empty doesnโ€™t mean itโ€™s advisable to run them that low.

Toyota is a very conservative company by nature. They have built a long term reputation on quality, durability, and reliability. So they stack the deck in their favor to maintain that reputation whenever possible. They know from tons of testing that the best way to achieve a reliable fuel pump is to ensure that it remains submerged in fuel as much as possible. So they calibrate the gauge/sending unit accordingly, knowing full well that some of their customers will habitually use every last drop rather than fill up at 1/8 or 1/4 tank. My old Tundra is like this, go to any other Toyota enthusiast forum and you will see this same topic being discussed at great length.

You can use every last drop if you choose to, but you will not have an accurate gauge past a certain point. Carry a can of gas with you and go do an experiment!
I understand worrying the first time you fill up how many gals are left in the tank, so you know you've got "X" miles to find a gas station.......... but after that, I just can't wrap my brain around why it's a big deal.
Agreed. Just stop to get gas, take a leak, stretch your legs, and get a cold beverage.

I still wish the LC had a larger fuel tank just for weekly convenience of not needing to fill as often, but there will be solutions for that going forward.
lol, I remember my ex telling me she wanted to switch cars when we were married. I look down and it was -13 miles to empty.
I don't know about common practice but I do know my other vehicles. If I run them dry they get filled up with the exact number of gallons that the manual states it holds.

Whereas the LC it seems like it does not happen this way.
If you truly run it dry, it will take the exact amount of fuel the manual states. It is just the gauge that shows empty while there still is 2-3 gallons of fuel in tank.

If you ever run out of fuel on a hybrid, it can become a massive issue that requires a rather uncommon dealer charger. So the fuel system is extra conservative when reporting fuel level.

At least on regular Toyota hybrids, hybrid controller will let you run the car purely on electric until the battery is fully drained. If hybrid battery fully drains, it will put the car into a type of deep hibernation. Once in this state, the vehicle cannot be turned on even after refueling, and it would require a specific Toyota charger to externally charge the battery for start up.
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