FE Allocation IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I did put them on the stock wheels (only because I am a fan of what they do from the factory on the initial models of Land Cruisers) and I planned on doing the lift and the tires at the same time, but the lift wasn't ready yet (should be here this week or next) so I was a little worried up front that there may be some rub, but there has not been any whatsoever. I'll post some more pics when I get the lift. One thing I forgot earlier is that the spare does not fit properly at this size (it is under there, but hangs a little low due to a bar behind it), so I ordered a stock wheel on eBay and I am just putting one of the original tires on the new wheel to use as a spare and then I will have an extra wheel and tire after using the spare if I absolutely have to short term to get home.View attachment 5750View attachment 5749
Nice, I like the way it sits currently.