Engine Braking. WTF!

Thanks for posting this. The PDA nanny was so annoying I was giving serious thought to getting rid of the LC. I turned it off after reading this and virtually all of my complaints have been fixed. I can’t believe Toyota went live with such a half baked, poorly thought out system.
Same man felt like I had no control of the vehicle. The car sucks at shifting at deacceleration imo anyway and then feeling like your engine braking and rough down shifting was awful. Ive found being more aggressive at braking and having a heavier foot had eliminated that rough downshift.
I had the PDA turned off but last night I discovered the PDA has settings and different options . So when you go to turn it off, you can hold the ok button to go to settings for PDA. One of those settings is turning off the braking function. I turned that off and left the rest on. Just to experiment. I don't exactly remember what the other settings are. But so far so good. The main thing was the nanny braking. If you guys have more perspective on the other individual settings for PDA, let's hear it.

I may turn off the entire function again. But like I said experimenting. Without that annoying braking that is.


The three PDA settings are (page 80 of the Quick Reference Guide)
OAA: obstacle anticipation assist
DA: deceleration assist . The nanny braking.
SA: steering assist

I have turned off DA and going to drive it like that and see what it does and mess with it again later.
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I actually kinda like the "deceleration assist", almost drives more like I would have in my old manual transmission vehicles in regards to engine braking.
Check your nanny settings. The Proactive Driving Assist looks like a car with 3 circles. It'll engine brake like a mf. I turned mine off. Drives way better and no surprise engine braking.