Counting the days. First Edition on the ship.

Again, I ask, has there been ANY on and off-road tests of the LC? Are the new owners going to be the testers? Looks like Toyota is sticking their neck WAY out with this new machine. Similar, but certainly not the same as the GX, of which a multitude of test drives are up on YouTube.
Very good questions indeed. The Bronco snd Bronco Sport were well out there and tested.
Yes I am aware Ford vs Toyota….. still a ? mark.
Again, I ask, has there been ANY on and off-road tests of the LC? Are the new owners going to be the testers? Looks like Toyota is sticking their neck WAY out with this new machine. Similar, but certainly not the same as the GX, of which a multitude of test drives are up on YouTube.
This Video has some offroad on it.
With the rear locker and crawl system, I feel confident I could conquer any Starbucks parking lot in North America.
This Video has some offroad on it.
With the rear locker and crawl system, I feel confident I could conquer any Starbucks parking lot in North America.
Thank you SO much! Not even close to an independent review, more of a company commercial, but at least something.
Thank you SO much! Not even close to an independent review, more of a company commercial, but at least something.
Saw that video awhile back…feel the same as you. It’s certainly a bit of a marketing mystery to me. Very few road tests and reviews out there for the Tacoma IForce Max as well. ???
Again, I ask, has there been ANY on and off-road tests of the LC? Are the new owners going to be the testers? Looks like Toyota is sticking their neck WAY out with this new machine. Similar, but certainly not the same as the GX, of which a multitude of test drives are up on YouTube.
Hoping to do the BDR in my FE this summer - Packwood, WA to the Canadian Border, so I’ll put it through the paces.

Hoping to do the BDR in my FE this summer - Packwood, WA to the Canadian Border, so I’ll put it through the paces.

I did the WABDR on a motorcycle, it was a blast. I would recommend that you skip "the jungle", I think its in section 3. It is so overgrown I had branches hitting both of my arms at some points. I would never take a new vehicle through that unless you want scratches down the sides.
I did the WABDR on a motorcycle, it was a blast. I would recommend that you skip "the jungle", I think its in section 3. It is so overgrown I had branches hitting both of my arms at some points. I would never take a new vehicle through that unless you want scratches down the sides.
We call them "face slappers" here in MT. They are small alders that grow on unused trails. Some call it U brush b/c of the way they grow on the 2 track I guess. All cause pinstipes on 4WDs.
Mine was yesterday. Maybe they will be on the same boat since we're both WA. I was told it would leave 4/12 & arrive in US 4/29.
Awesome - We might need to meet up for FE jamboree! I’m thinking the PNW Overland Expo in June

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Any idea how long from the line to the boat?
My dealer gave me a build date of 3/20 and port date to get on the boat 4/12. I'm guessing the build date is the start of the build and then the next available boat. I would assume there is a window of time there to get enough for the boat. Ours are 2 days apart so I'd bet they're leaving about the same time.
Again, I ask, has there been ANY on and off-road tests of the LC? Are the new owners going to be the testers? Looks like Toyota is sticking their neck WAY out with this new machine. Similar, but certainly not the same as the GX, of which a multitude of test drives are up on YouTube.
I found this Video of one going through a mud bog.
I just heard I should have mine at some point between next Monday and Wednesday. The ship has been sitting right outside the Golden Gate Bridget waiting patiently. I should change the title to counting the hours.
I just heard I should have mine at some point between next Monday and Wednesday. The ship has been sitting right outside the Golden Gate Bridget waiting patiently. I should change the title to counting the hours.
can't wait to see! take like 2 million photos!