Barks Like A Seal


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Jun 24, 2024
Lone Tree, Colorado
2024 Toyota Land Cruiser
Every once in a while, I'll be standiing near (or walking past) my LC in the garage and it'll emit a sound like a seal bark. It's not too loud or frequent, and it's always just one bark-like grunt. Does anyone else's LC do that? Anyone know why it does that?
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I do notice that, on occasion, after I shut the truck off that it makes some odd sounds within 5 minutes or so, I woudn't necessarily describe them as a seal bark, but strange nonetheless.
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It lets out a little toot after it thinks everyone is gone.
Thats what I was thinking. Reminds me of my old land rover. After parked in the garage for a minute it would release little puffs of air from the suspension leveling out. Little doom farts to remind you that you are running on air only.....