My MPG varies a lot
8 mpg: cold engine, 1 mile through residential streets with lots of stops
14mpg: back home but engine is a bit warmer now
16mpg: interstate at 85mph, windy
17-18mpg: around town but a bit longer drives, like a 15 minute drive to Costco
20mpg: out on a two-lane highway for a nice long drive
22mpg: same but it’s slightly downhill overall
55mpg: down the mountain
My Fuelly average is 17.4. Best tank was 22.4 (road trip) and worst was 15.4 (only short city drives)
… your mileage may vary …
8 mpg: cold engine, 1 mile through residential streets with lots of stops
14mpg: back home but engine is a bit warmer now
16mpg: interstate at 85mph, windy
17-18mpg: around town but a bit longer drives, like a 15 minute drive to Costco
20mpg: out on a two-lane highway for a nice long drive
22mpg: same but it’s slightly downhill overall
55mpg: down the mountain
My Fuelly average is 17.4. Best tank was 22.4 (road trip) and worst was 15.4 (only short city drives)
… your mileage may vary …