Does anyone actually get the posted 22/24 mpg?


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Aug 20, 2024
Southern California
2024 Land Cruiser
I'm clocking in at 17.2 mpg. 700 miles on ODM, I drive like a grandma, I have only put in premium gas, stock wheels, in ECO mode 100% of the time. What gives???? I should be at minimum getting 22 mpg. I wouldn't really care all that much except the tank is tiny...15 gallons. I only get a range of 280 miles per fill.
I’ve been between 23.8-24.4 with 1240 miles on the clock.
And that’s 50/50 city highway
Stock 1958
I am running 21-22, but in Alabama so heat is an issue.
I get between 15-24. I average maybe 16 around town (short drives, lots of stops), and average 22 when out on weekend adventures out of town (2-lane highways with lots of mountainous ups and downs)

Here's some things to consider that impact gas mileage:
  • tires
  • how you drive (lots of acceleration and braking vs expert level Prius hypermileing)
  • short drives vs long drives (short 5-15 minute drives are absolutely terrible for gas mileage)
  • freeway speed vs slower 2-lane highway speeds (i.e. 80mph vs 55mph is a huge difference)
  • winter - both harder on mileage + gas mixtures are worse (probably not applicable right now)
  • summer - blasting AC, idling
  • terrain - uphill bad, downhill good!
  • exterior accessories - roof rack, cargo box, loaded bike rack, etc

I'm also wondering if elevation has a big impact on our turbos. I see a lot of folks reporting high MPGs from lower & flatter areas than where I live. But it's really hard to quantify with all the other variables in the types of driving we do.

tldr - it's complicated, but i do agree that city fuel economy is significantly worse than expected.
Seems as if only folks getting close to that are stock 1958.

I have a stock first edition with 3k miles and I average 20mpg.

Have noticed that mileage is incrementally getting better as I get more mileage.

I live in San Diego and don’t drive particularly conservative so I’m pretty happy with this.
I am noticing mine coming up at 1500K. If I look at “average” on my cluster gage it’s now abt 20. When I look at each trip (some better than others) after I shut my car off, press the arrow back button, that is improving remarkably. And I’ve reset and cleared data a couple of times in instrument cluster as well as info screen. I’m glad I’m seeing increases, I was stuck at 17 for a long long time.
I am noticing mine coming up at 1500K. If I look at “average” on my cluster gage it’s now abt 20. When I look at each trip (some better than others) after I shut my car off, press the arrow back button, that is improving remarkably. And I’ve reset and cleared data a couple of times in instrument cluster as well as info screen. I’m glad I’m seeing increases, I was stuck at 17 for a long long time.
Agree… I’m just starting to see 23-25 mpg on the “single trip” after I turn car off.
I hit the "Update" button on this display when I fuel up. It does reset the "Total Average" though, so if you are trying to keep a running total, don't do this. I enjoy seeing a "Tank Average" (which actually is a setting only on 1958s). Long enough time to smooth out the average, but short enough time for it to be fun and interesting to see how numbers are changing over time/seasons/trips/etc.

Keep in mind any type of headwind will kill your MPG due to the profile of the vehicle.
I'm clocking in at 17.2 mpg. 700 miles on ODM, I drive like a grandma, I have only put in premium gas, stock wheels, in ECO mode 100% of the time. What gives???? I should be at minimum getting 22 mpg. I wouldn't really care all that much except the tank is tiny...15 gallons. I only get a range of 280 miles per fill.

See my sig for our average, it started picking up after 1,000 miles on the Odometer, I think we got 21.9 on the last fillup.
LC Premium, Stock 20" tires, Always in Normal mode.
I'm clocking in at 17.2 mpg. 700 miles on ODM, I drive like a grandma, I have only put in premium gas, stock wheels, in ECO mode 100% of the time. What gives???? I should be at minimum getting 22 mpg. I wouldn't really care all that much except the tank is tiny...15 gallons. I only get a range of 280 miles per fill.
I've been doing everything you have and netting 23 with town/highway 50/50 with 1100 miles. This is with a rack and rock sliders with hand calculating after every fill-up.