Why so many subforums?


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May 7, 2024
Like 42 different subforums each with like 3-4 threads only. Makes it basically impossible to read this site easily. Some sort of weird SEO tactic?
I think after the LC250 really starts to delivered, this site will take off. Saw that happen with the Bronco6G forum.
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We have all the individual sections so that it is easy to find information quickly if you have specific questions about LED lights, wheels and tires, etc. We also have a great option, called What's New, if you just want to browse all the new topics like a news feed instead of going into all the individual forum sections. Or you can just visit the home page to see all the Active Topics.
In fact it makes it harder to find things. You'll have every random Joe post in the "wrong" forum because they don't know about the sub-forum, post the same thread in multiple places because they aren't getting responses to their original post, or they'll just post in the "general" forums because that's where they are, or nope their way out of a forum that has 7 threads in it.

No one is going to casually "catch up on things Land Cruiser" discussions by click drilling down into (counts them) 20 distinct but thematically overlapping subforums just to casually read through content. 16 of those subforums are going to wither and die because of no consistent content and inertia.

I know it's the SEO and ad impressions gig but it's pointlessly overdone here. IMHO.
Actually, several sections were just added within the last week that were requested by members in the community.

This forum is less then a year old! We'll get those sections filled over time. If you notice a thread in the wrong section, please report it so we can move it. We're doing our best to keep this place organized and a good resource for LC owners.
In fact it makes it harder to find things. You'll have every random Joe post in the "wrong" forum because they don't know about the sub-forum, post the same thread in multiple places because they aren't getting responses to their original post, or they'll just post in the "general" forums because that's where they are, or nope their way out of a forum that has 7 threads in it.

No one is going to casually "catch up on things Land Cruiser" discussions by click drilling down into (counts them) 20 distinct but thematically overlapping subforums just to casually read through content. 16 of those subforums are going to wither and die because of no consistent content and inertia.

I know it's the SEO and ad impressions gig but it's pointlessly overdone here. IMHO.
IMHO you're just wrong.

I have been a part of the FJ Cruiser forum for 19 years. The way that this is set up is a proven system and works for multitudes of vehicle forums. Nothing will wither and die, you're just seeing it at its' infancy.
That's sort of defines the issue I guess. The world is divided into people who want explicit categorization and hierarchy to define patent structure, and others (like me) who prefer content, search, metadata, and interaction to define latent structure.

Just like some people organize their photos, music, files by folder/etc, and others have a single folder with 80000 files and use search/labels/context to interact with their data.
That's sort of defines the issue I guess. The world is divided into people who want explicit categorization and hierarchy to define patent structure, and others (like me) who prefer content, search, metadata, and interaction to define latent structure.

Just like some people organize their photos, music, files by folder/etc, and others have a single folder with 80000 files and use search/labels/context to interact with their data.
I prefer a combination of both. The problem is no matter how structured and organized everything is you always have the people that can’t find what they are looking for and then you end up with 20 people asking the same thing because they don’t like to use the search button. It drives me crazy when people can’t do their own due diligence before blurting out their stupid question. It is what it is.