Two Out Of Three


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Jun 24, 2024
Lone Tree, Colorado
2024 Toyota Land Cruiser
Just thinking out loud here.

I read something a long time ago about the features and functionality we all want in a car (or truck) and the compromises manufacturers have to make.

In the simplist terms, car buyers want:
1. High power;
2. Light weight; and
3. Great fuel effeciency.
The trouble is, manufacturers can design them to have two of those qualities, but not all three.

Take a Tesla S. High power, good fuel economy, but high weight.
A Porsche 911 has light weight and high power but lacks fuel efficiency.

So what has that to do with our beloved Land Cruisers? IMO, they're a pretty good compromise. Good power, decent fuel efficiency (for some of us), but pretty high weight. In fact I'm surprised that, given its weight (and brick-like aerodynamics), the fuel mileage is as good as it is. So for me, I think the LC is just about the best compromise of those three qualities I've ever owned.

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
I agree. I feel like this vehicle was custom made for me. So far the best vehicle I have ever owned.

If judging just on those 3 criteria I would say it is a bit heavy and blocky as mentioned and gets decent mpg and has plenty of power. The blockiness is also what makes it look so good so I consider that a positive. Also the heavyness is partly the batteries and solidness of everything onboard so also a positive.
You also gotta be willing to pay to get those. The buyers want those 3 but in a low cost vehicle. These things will never happen in a low cost vehicle.
I’m honestly not sure most people want low weight. Maybe it’s just here in Colorado, but it seems like everyone has something giant. The fact that the LC is as big and heavy as it is was actually a pro for me, I was legitimately a bit nervous about the outcome if I got into an accident with a giant truck in my WRX. I don’t disagree that it’s way more enjoyable to drive a light car, I just struggle with the safety of it compared to most other vehicles on the road these days.