Traffic Jam Assist


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Aug 14, 2024
2024 LC LC Trim
Curious, what you all think about this feature?

Also at what speed does it shut off I have seen some people say 45 mph and other say 15 mph.
I've only gotten to use traffic jam assist once during real traffic. I immediately liked the feature. I found it really takes the stress away from being in constant awareness to react while in stop & go traffic. I didn't notice at what speed it cuts off, probably because I naturally felt the urge to take control back when traffic lightened and things sped-up.
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Very cool! Is it totally hands free? Can you adjust following distance?
It is integrated pretty well into the cars cruise control system and is incredible once you learn how to use it and adjust the settings to your liking. Cruise control does a great job of driving the car BUT you don't need cruise control on for the car to assist you in driving. Cruise control and TJA have adjustable following distances that let you get almost as close as you need to be to prevent someone from cutting in front of you.

In my experience, when cruise control is on and your speed is below 25 MPH and you are on a well marked road with other traffic, the Traffic Jam Assist will turn on automatically. When TJA is on, you do not need your hands on the wheel or feet on the pedals but the car scans your eyes to make sure your are looking at the road ahead.

When you accelerate and approach 25 MPH the car will slow down a little bit to try to keep it in TJA. Once you meet or exceed 25MPH all the car asks you to do is put your hand(s) back on the wheel and the car will continue driving itself. It is important to keep paying attention since the lane tracking may disable if the car cannot see lane markers.
OK, thanks so much so it sounds like it cuts off the hands free mode over 25mph.
It is integrated pretty well into the cars cruise control system and is incredible once you learn how to use it and adjust the settings to your liking. Cruise control does a great job of driving the car BUT you don't need cruise control on for the car to assist you in driving. Cruise control and TJA have adjustable following distances that let you get almost as close as you need to be to prevent someone from cutting in front of you.

In my experience, when cruise control is on and your speed is below 25 MPH and you are on a well marked road with other traffic, the Traffic Jam Assist will turn on automatically. When TJA is on, you do not need your hands on the wheel or feet on the pedals but the car scans your eyes to make sure your are looking at the road ahead.

When you accelerate and approach 25 MPH the car will slow down a little bit to try to keep it in TJA. Once you meet or exceed 25MPH all the car asks you to do is put your hand(s) back on the wheel and the car will continue driving itself. It is important to keep paying attention since the lane tracking may disable if the car cannot see lane markers.

That face forward detection feature is annoying LOL But I tried closing my eyes and driving and it didn't notice they were closed... I think it just uses face detection.
That face forward detection feature is annoying LOL But I tried closing my eyes and driving and it didn't notice they were closed... I think it just uses face detection.
I can’t even pick my nose or that nanny thing beeps at me. Even when I use my left arm to steer, with it at the 1 - 2 o’clock position on the steering wheel. It beeps at me.
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I can’t even pick my nose or that many thing beeps at me. Even when I use my left arm to steer, with it at the 1 - 2 o’clock position on the steering wheel. It beeps at me.
Same with me so I turned it off.
I can’t even pick my nose or that many thing beeps at me. Even when I use my left arm to steer, with it at the 1 - 2 o’clock position on the steering wheel. It beeps at me.
Same here
TJA is good but I can keep it in Elec mode far longer throttling myself rather than TJA when in traffic. I use it occasionally now when the traffic is extra heavy but most of the time, I still drive it myself. The slowdown/hesitation close to 25mph is the real PITA. I HATE that "feature." If it's just trying to keep in TJA longer they should just turn that off. When it's going above 20mph I'm just naturally already grabbing the steering when like another mentioned so that hesitation is suuuper annoying.
It was in the dash settings, I don't remember which selection, but I was able to turn it off.
So trying to get TJA to work for me today. I found a Toyota video that says you have to have extended resume time ON - I've never seen that in the manual, any real like confirmation? Also that you have set a speed in DRCC? The manual is too busy with CYA warnings to properly explain the features.

Answering my own question.... yes on extended time for drcc. And I highly recommend the quick reference guide for all these safety sense options... very short description and instructions!
TJA? Extended resume time? Give me another year and maybe I'll figure this out. I think I am behind the learning curve. Can only handle so much at a time😂
Can you trust it? I cannot imagine a car that could act quickly enough on its own to brake when needed in bumper to bumper traffic with the crazy drivers out there cutting in front of you within inches of hitting you.