Question from Down Under re 250


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Dec 12, 2024
Melbourne Australia
Landcrusier 250
Hi All,

I thought I'd ask here with the larger base of people can hopefully answer a few questions regarding my new Landceuiser 250.
I'm aware that our model in Australia will probably be slightly different but hopefully the questions will still relate.

Ive read the manual but still cant find the answers

  • The Message asking me if I want to close my windows pops up on the dash. How do I stop this please because if I wanted to close the windows i wouldnt have them open
  • Sometimes I lock my car and it gives me "one beep", sometimes in exactly the same situation it gives me "five or six beeps"; why does it give me different beeps when locking
  • Can I get the Sunroof to close when I lock my car. Ive locked it previoulsy with the sun roof open and then its rained......oops!
  • Not really car related, but if I connect Carplay and call Siri to call a contact the volume of siri saying "calling such n such" is very low, but the call volume itself is normal......any suggestions on getting Siri volume louder

Thanking you in advance
I can help with 2 of your questions. As far as my dealer and I know, you cannot auto-close the moonroof when locking your LC. I don't know why - seems logical to me. He asked his tech guy and they went through everything and said as of right now, it can't be done. Future software update? Maybe. /// To increase Siri's volume, you have to make the adjustment while she is speaking. Once she finishes her sentence volume control reverts back to whatever is playing.

If anyone knows any different please let me know 'cuz that no auto-lock on the sunroof thing is kind'a stupid!
The 5 or 6 beeps when locking is because you opened a rear door during that trip. It is a notice in case there is a child in the back. It can be tuned off in the settings.
The 5 or 6 beeps when locking is because you opened a rear door during that trip. It is a notice in case there is a child in the back. It can be tuned off in the settings.
I think it can also be if you leave another key/remote within the vehicle while trying to lock it with the remote, or try to walk away from the vehicle with it still 'ON'. Haven't counted the beeps, but these two things certainly cause it to beep some number of times.