Phone no longer connecting

If you go into Bluetooth and devices you can check that box that says CarPlay if it is unchecked. That fixes it for me.

Came seeking answers for Android Auto. This works for me, but it keeps turning itself off.

Are there any solutions as to why wireless options keep turning themselves off in the LC's settings?
Came seeking answers for Android Auto. This works for me, but it keeps turning itself off.

Are there any solutions as to why wireless options keep turning themselves off in the LC's settings?

Yep, same here. They seem to change all on their own!

Mine keeps un-enabling Car Play and then when I try to enable it errors out.
Make sure WiFi is on and you are connected to your LC’s network (I believe the network name is Smartphone something or other). CarPlay has to be connected via WiFI…
I have the opposite problem, turning on WiFi removes the phone from CarPlay.
If you go into Bluetooth and devices you can check that box that says CarPlay if it is unchecked. That fixes it for me.
I have to go into my car Bluetooth settings to enable CarPlay every time I use the car. This is mildly annoying. Can it not remember this setting and auto connect Apple CarPlay?
I have to go into my car Bluetooth settings to enable CarPlay every time I use the car. This is mildly annoying. Can it not remember this setting and auto connect Apple CarPlay?
Have you set the phone as your primary device in your profile settings?