New forum member here

Hello! While I've never owned a Land Cruiser, the incoming model is exactly the type of SUV that I'm looking for. I'm only interested in the base 1958 model.

I have a question for the group here: Ideally, I would like to replace my current aging SUV in 18-24 months. When would be the right time to get on an allocation list? I would prefer to wait until pricing details are released, but I don't know if that is right around the corner or months away. I have a high-volume Toyota dealer just a few miles away from me that is good about selling at MSRP.

Welcome, Kevin!

From what I'm seeing online, it is looking like it'll be at least Q1 before any pricing details are released. Personally, I'd suggest you get on an allocation list ASAP or you might be waiting a LONG time. Just make sure you do it with a dealer that offers a fully refundable deposit - and get that in writing!.

My first thread on here was about that. Dealer Deposits?