Land Cruiser Oil Change Skid Plate Removal?!!

With a little fabrication, I plan on adding a removable access panel to ease the oil filter change. I did a similar modification on my Tacoma along with an oil plug to valve conversion........ 20 min oil service.
You can remove the filter with the FE skid plate. I can reach it with no problems. I just thin I would make a mess without removal.
How thick is the FE skid? Similar to a TRD skid plate? The picture makes it look like its on the thinner side.
You can remove the filter with the FE skid plate. I can reach it with no problems. I just thin I would make a mess without removal.
My modification access panel will eliminate the mess and the need to remove the skid plate etc...... On my Tacoma, I cut a roughly 5x5 square hole flanged the hole aprox 1/2" , added rivit-nuts in the corners and fashioned a cover plate. Remove 4, 10mm bolts, install the oil filter drain line (Amazon link in the post above) tiny amount of oil is spilled.
That oil change kit is impressive. Lots of great reviews. I wonder if it will fit on the new Land Cruiser?
That oil change kit is impressive. Lots of great reviews. I wonder if it will fit on the new Land Cruiser?
I'm pretty sure it will, but when my FE comes in, I'll check. The funnel is tha bomb!
How thick is the FE skid? Similar to a TRD skid plate? The picture makes it look like its on the thinner side.
It is not. The TRD skids plates are 1/4” aluminum, the FE skid plates are 2.7mm steel (if I’m remembering the number correctly).
How thick is the FE skid? Similar to a TRD skid plate? The picture makes it look like it’s on the thinner side.
About 3mm….and 21 pounds…much heavier than I had thought!


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