Decent MSRP deal - what say you?

Tim I would try calling around and talk to multiple dealerships. Ultimately if what you want is hard to come by you arent going to have a ton of “leverage” - you can always try visiting and walking out of the dealer 2-3 times as part of your negotiation strategy… show em you aren't desperate to buy.

If you can find options at different dealers then you can try to get one dealer to sweeten their offer. iMO they’ll never give you their best offer the first or even 2nd time.

Also bring that jaguar (?) in with you. Damn dude.
What about the BS shipping, processing handling fee of $1450. Can you typically get that thrown out ?
I was able to get destination charge removed, but the doc fee was a different story. They really dig in their heels on that one these days, at least in my experience.

Also one thing to remember in negotiation is that even if you theoretically pay exactly invoice price and no dealer fees for a car, the dealer is still assuredly making money on it. Manufacturers pay monthly and quarterly incentives to the dealers based on sales, these can be based on a number of things like sales volume, total invoice costs, etc. If they are having trouble moving a certain model in a particular region they may offer more kickbacks on units sold, etc. It’s all based on market conditions.

Also they get kickbacks from “preferred lenders” on financing, etc. They aren’t going to starve. They’ll be fine despite their sob stories about “we’re only making $50 on this car at this price!” 😀
Really considering this one. Has pretty much everything I want and then lift and bigger off road tires. Does this seem like a pretty decent deal ? See link below.
On a plane to Uganda for 2 weeks, and if it is not sale pending when I get back, was going to go sit down and try to make a deal for my trade and put down a deposit. 2025 Ice Cap LC
My dealer is now discounting them. One thought I had was an LC without the Premium package should have less of a market so you should be able to negotiate down.