Charge and load testing the 12-V battery


New member
Mar 5, 2025
Woodland Park, Colorado
2025 Land Cruiser Premium
I have a TopDon BT-100 battery tester, and it worked great on my past two cars... I could simply connect it to the battery and it would provide good consistent results, showing a variety of things like charge, resistance, overall health, etc.

But on my new 2025 Land Cruiser, it apparently works very differently -- i.e., it does not provide accurate results unless I disconnect the battery's negative terminal before doing the test. A brand new, fully charged battery that was connected to the car showed failed results for both health and charge -- but when I disconnected the negative terminal from the battery and then retested, the results were 100% health and 100% charge (with good voltage and low resistance). And when I reconnected the negative terminal and retested, it was all fails again. This is fully reproduceable -- I got the same sort of results when testing the original OEM battery that I replaced.

Apparently the parallel path thru the hybrid system (when the battery is still connected to the car) screws up the test results. I haven't seen this before on other cars (and the instructions for the battery tester do not suggest that you disconnect the battery before testing).