Carista - Bay Area, CA


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Jul 18, 2024
Any interest in a quick meet for coding your LC's? First come, first served. I hand you the adapter and phone, you choose the options then hand to the next guy when you're done. No need to stay the whole time, and I'm out in 30. I have the screenshots below, but I can post more detailed menus so you already know the choices you're choosing before getting there and we move along quicker. Just in case there's more than a few that come.

Here's the notable option pages. The values in the screenshots are what came with the vehicle. There's more, but these seem to be the most popular ones.

Let me know!




I'm interested. I'm in Santa Clara, where are you? Mostly thinking about turning off the engine sound enhancement. Have you tried that yet? What/how much difference did that make?
I live in Cordelia but work in San Ramon. Let's see what interest we get in this thread to see if it's worth it.

I've removed the engine sound enhancement, but kept ANC. In this configuration, the cab is quiet, and you no longer hear the whistle from the turbo. You can still hear it with the windows down, especially when you're adjacent to a barrier.

Some have turned off both ESE and ANC. I'll let them chime in on that experience.
Full option map as of 10/06.

Chassis & Engine
  • Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)
    • On - Default
    • Off
  • Engine Sound Enhancement (ESE)
    • On - Default
    • Off
Dings & Warnings
  • Warn when doors opened with headlights on
    • On - Default
    • Off
  • Seat belt warning ding (driver)
    • Enabled - Default
    • Disabled
  • Seat belt warning ding (front passenger)
    • Enabled - Default
    • Disabled
  • Seat belt warning ding (rear right passenger)
    • Enabled - Default
    • Disabled
  • Seat belt warning ding (rear left passenger)
    • Enabled - Default
    • Disabled
  • Seat belt warning ding (rear center passenger)
    • Enabled - Default
    • Disabled
Heater & A/C
  • Temperature dial calibration
    • -2 deg C
    • -1 deg C
    • Normal - Default
    • +1 deg C
    • +2 deg C
Instruments: Displays & Nav
  • Instrument lights restoring sensitivity
    • Darkest
    • Darker
    • Normal - Default
    • Lighter
    • Lightest
  • Display odometer after ignition is tuned off for..
    • 30 seconds - Default
    • 1 minute
    • 10 minutes
    • Off
  • Microphone sensitivity
    • Slider 1-11 (Default 4)
  • Speaker volume
    • Slider 1-14 (Default 5)
Lights: Automatic
  • Auto headlights activation threshold
    • Darkest
    • Darker
    • Normal - Default
    • Lighter
    • Lightest
Lights: Exterior
  • Lane-change turn signal auto-flasher count
    • Off
    • 3 flashes - Default
    • 4 flashes
    • 5 flashes
    • 6 flashes
    • 7 flashes
  • Turn signal click volume
    • Low
    • Medium - Default
    • High
  • Coming-home lights duration
    • Off
    • 30 seconds
    • 60 seconds - Default (?)
    • 90 seconds
  • Turn on marker lights when vehicle is unlocked via remote
    • Enabled - Default
    • Disabled
Lights: Interior
  • Turn on interior lengths when you shut off engine
    • Yes - Default
    • No
  • Turn on interior lights when smart key in range
    • Yes - Default
    • No
Locking: Automatic
  • Re-lock doors automatically if you unlock, but don’t open a door within..
    • 30 seconds
    • 60 seconds - Default
    • 120 seconds
Locking: Beep & Blink
  • Blink hazard lights when remote is locked via remote
    • Enabled - Default
    • Disabled
Locking: Door & Alarm
  • Warn (beep) when a window is still open when locking doors
    • Yes - Default
    • No
Locking: Smart Key
  • Touch-to-unlock doors minimum duration
    • Off
    • Short
    • Medium - Default
    • Long
  • After locking with smart key, don’t allow reopening within..
    • 0.5 seconds
    • 1.5 seconds
    • 2.5 seconds - Default
    • 5 seconds
  • Auto fold side-view mirrors (req. power folding mirrors)
    • With ignition
    • With door locks - Default
    • Disabled
Parking sensors
  • Activate parking sensors in neutral (N)
    • Yes - Default
    • No
  • Front sensor parking sensor range
    • Short
    • Long - Default
  • Front corner parking sensor range
    • Short
    • Long - Default
Seats & Steering Wheel
  • Seat airflow level
    • Normal - Default
    • Silent (high)
    • Silent (low)
  • Easy entry/exit
    • Disabled - Default
    • Retract steering wheel for easy entry/exit
    • Tilt away steering wheel for easy entry/exit
    • Retract and tilt away steering wheel for easy entry/exit
  • Rear hatch walk away kick sensor
    • Enabled
    • Disabled - Default
  • Trunk front seat switch button
    • Short press
    • Long press - Default
Windows & Sunroof
  • Open windows and sunroof via long press on remote
    • On - Default (?)
    • Off
  • Open windows and sunroof by turning and holding key in door lock
    • On - Default (?)
    • Off
  • Open windows and sunroof by turning and holding key in door lock (not sure why this option appears twice on the app)
    • On - Default (?)
    • Off
Wipers & Washer
  • Auto-enable rear wiper when front wipers on and reverse gear engaged
    • Switch rear wiper from intermittent to permanent wiping when in reverse
    • Turn on once - Default
    • Disabled
  • Enable rear window wiper when trunk is open
    • Enabled
    • Disabled - Default
  • Panic function on remote
    • Enabled - Default
    • Disabled