Brakes Squeal

I park in my garage and it still does it. Even when it is 90 and sunny outside.

Mine hasn't done it yet, but I have a Mini Split in my garage that helps remove any moisture. I only have 300 or so miles on ours though.
Mine squeal as well. Only in reverse. First time I noticed it was after I put it in the garage overnight after driving it in the rain. Backing out is the squeal. Squeal seems to come from front and rear tires. This AM they squealed backing out, so I kept backing down my driveway and pressing on/off again the breaks. 3 or 4 times pressing them and the squeal stopped. It never happens going forward thank god.
Does anyone else exerience brakes squeel in reverse? Mine seems to do it mostly after it has sat for a while. I only notice it in reverse.
Happening for me as well — 24 FE, just over 1K miles, started noticing it after some rain so it's possible moisture is an issue. It's LOUD, but only happens in reverse.
Mine squeak as well. Didn’t start still ~5000 km. Still squeaking at > 8000 km.
Just noticed it today getting out my garage.
Been driving it for a week and it's the first time it makes the noise.
The only difference this morning was that I washed the LC for the first time last night, then parked in the garage immediately. So the humidity thing tracks.
Got to work and backed in my parking spot without any noise.
Go figure...
This morning I had the squeal and no moisture was involved.
We haven't taken delivery yet so I haven't heard this first hand, but the kind of squealing you all are describing is usually the pads vibrating in the caliper. Has anyone tried putting some damping compound on the back of their pads?
Similar issues with Tundras over the past few years. Toyota strings them along telling them they are aware of the issue but nothing usually happens unless people get legal involved or really push the issue. Some people report having rotors and brake pads replaced fixes the squeak. Curious to see how Toyota handles this. I think they know a lot of people will just live with it if the brakes work as intended but are squeaky.
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Brought mine home from dealer friday night, and this morning, i got the squeal backing up with wheels locked to driver side. Bummer
Have the same issue
First edition 6500k
Started after 3k when backing out from the garage
Mine squeal as well and I thought I was the only one and I'm glad it's only in reverse otherwise It'd drive me crazy 😁😁
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Update from the GX550 forum on the same problem:

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Mine will squeal occasionally breaking in D, not just R. Toyota can we get this recalled?