Anyone done oil change on LC/LC without using ramps?

For FE - can you take off the front skid without removing the rear skid? I have a vacuum pump to change oil so only need to remove the skid to change the filter.

What are the preferred ramps everyone is using?
For FE - can you take off the front skid without removing the rear skid? I have a vacuum pump to change oil so only need to remove the skid to change the filter.

What are the preferred ramps everyone is using?
I have the $70 metal ones for Horrible freight in Florida, and the $60 plastic ones from Auto Zone in NC. I think the metal ones are slightly higher. But the plastic ones are definitely lighter and easier to carry around for storage. 6 one, half dozen the other.

Do yourself a favor, get the ramps. I also have a creeper from Horrible Freight. Helps a lot.
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For FE - can you take off the front skid without removing the rear skid? I have a vacuum pump to change oil so only need to remove the skid to change the filter.

What are the preferred ramps everyone is using?
If you remove the skid for the filter, it also allows access to the oil drain plug.
Finally did 1st oil change with no ramps. I removed front skid plate and small cover on the back skid plate to get to drain plug. Oil filter came off easy with just a strap wrench. I was expecting it to be on much tighter. Drained oil with no mess. Hardest part was getting the front skid plate back on. I could not figure out how to get the 2 hooks on the front of skid to find their slot. I finally propped up the back of skid and moved skid forward and I could feel when the hooks went into their slots. Next time I will know, should be much easier.
Do the ramps allow the oil to fully drain? I would think so if the drain plug is in the back of the pan. I'm getting ready to do my first one tomorrow. Been doing them on our 2019 and no rams. But ramps would make life much easier.
The oil should all drain out. Use a deep pan if you have one. The angle of oil coming out could shoot out of the drain pan if it’s shallow.
You can definitely do it without ramps, but it’s a bit tight. I just paid $50 at my local DIY garage and put it on lifts so I could stand under it.
Be advised! The thin oil will shoot out of the drain hole, hit the ground and splash your tire! It has that much velocity. So don't put your drain pan centered on the hole, maybe 1-2 inches from the edge of the drain pan, centered under the hole. I've never seen anything like it!
What are the threads on the LC? I wish to purchase a drain valve, most likely a ValvoMax. However, recommendations?
What are the threads on the LC? I wish to purchase a drain valve, most likely a ValvoMax. However, recommendations?
Fumoto F-133N drain valve - M12-1.25 TPI.

From another post - ValvoMax Oil Change System in M12-1.25 TPI.

I use the Fumoto in all my vehicles. I leave aprox 8" - 10" of hose semi prem attached to the valve and just lay it on the skid plate and place the vinyl cap that comes on the valve, on the end of the hose to keep the dirt out. I have a ValvoMax type in my lawn mower and don't like it, but it's the only one that'll fit.......LOL
Fumoto F-133N drain valve - M12-1.25 TPI.

From another post - ValvoMax Oil Change System in M12-1.25 TPI.

I use the Fumoto in all my vehicles. I leave aprox 8" - 10" of hose semi prem attached to the valve and just lay it on the skid plate and place the vinyl cap that comes on the valve, on the end of the hose to keep the dirt out. I have a ValvoMax type in my lawn mower and don't like it, but it's the only one that'll fit.......LOL
Did you torque it to specs, i.e. 25 lb-ft? Reading reviews on it and the competition, and an uncomfortable number of folks have encountered issues, twisted off, etc. It appears to come with a fiber washer, and they caution to tighten 1/8 turn from contact, no more. Possibly some folks overdo?
I did my 500 mile change without ramps and it wasn’t too bad. I have some low profile ramps I use for changing the oil in my Corolla’s that I probably will use at my 2k mile change. I may get Fumoto F-133N and ask the if the service tech can put it in when I go for my 5k oil change and see what they say about it.
Do the ramps allow the oil to fully drain? I would think so if the drain plug is in the back of the pan. I'm getting ready to do my first one tomorrow. Been doing them on our 2019 and no rams. But ramps would make life much easier.
You will never get ALL of the oil, to fully drain. Because of the location of the plug, there may be an ounce or two of oil in the bottom of the pan.
You can definitely do it without ramps, but it’s a bit tight. I just paid $50 at my local DIY garage and put it on lifts so I could stand under it.
Plastic Ramps at auto zone are $50, and lighter and easier to move about and store that the steel ramps from Horrible Freight, which are ~$75-$80 IIRC. The Horrible Freight ramps may be an inch taller..
Did you torque it to specs, i.e. 25 lb-ft? Reading reviews on it and the competition, and an uncomfortable number of folks have encountered issues, twisted off, etc. It appears to come with a fiber washer, and they caution to tighten 1/8 turn from contact, no more. Possibly some folks overdo?
You will need a crow’s foot ‘socket’ to torque the Fumoto. I don’t remember what size it is. Put it on your wrench at a 90° angle to get an accurate reading of torque.

OR... follow the directions on the FUMOTO installation instructions, screw in until the fiber washer makes contact with the oil pan, then 1/8 (or what ever it is) of a turn. DO NOT use a socket wrench on the hex part of the valve.
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I've been using my plastic Wally World ramps for the last 20 years. I'm still alive so appears to be doing its job.
I regret buying steel ramps, the noise they make when sliding across polished concrete is shocking. Plus they weigh a ton and dont stack or stand on end for storage.