2024+ LC Production Updates (USA/Canada)

It seems that the small town dealers here in California are the ones with the worst markups, while there are some larger dealers in the big cities that do not go above MSRP. I am on the wait list with 2 dealers at MSRP, another at MSRP with priority given to those with trade ins (that could be trouble- not taking less than Carmax price) and the 4th is MSRP + $400 for doorguards. I am realistic that by jumping on a waitlist at an MSRP dealer, there is a good chance I won't get a car until 2025, but not in a rush at the moment.
A fool and his money are soon parted. In today’s world paying more than MSRP. No vehicle is worth that. I would prefer to make a donation to my local Animal shelter
i concur, i refuse to pay a dime over MSRP if I even go for the LC
A fool and his money are soon parted. In today’s world paying more than MSRP. No vehicle is worth that. I would prefer to make a donation to my local Animal shelter
Nah. We all spend foolishly on some things. Like G. Carlon said, one person’s “stuff” is another’s “shit.”
A year ago, Broncos were going for $5k over MSRP. Now you can find most Bronco models for under MSRP. Time is on the buyer's side, unless you have to have a FE.

Unrelated - anyone know why Toyota didn't just call this a 2025 model? Is there a reason for a short 2024 production run?
A year ago, Broncos were going for $5k over MSRP. Now you can find most Bronco models for under MSRP. Time is on the buyer's side, unless you have to have a FE.

Unrelated - anyone know why Toyota didn't just call this a 2025 model? Is there a reason for a short 2024 production run?
You should be able to get Broncos at Invoice right now, they're stacking up fast.

I think Toyota is behind (whether intentionally or not is up to the level of tinfoil in your hat) on several things. But I bet they're staggering this to space the heavy truck hits out. Taco first, then LC, then BOOM New 4Runner by Christmas.
Lexus dealer called me last night and told me they expect to have GX allocation by April and vehicles on the ground May or June. Surprised me since I expected the GX launch to have a gap before the Land Cruiser arrives and that seems behind the timeline several Toyota dealers are saying for the LC. Disclaimer is that I am way down on the GX list so they may just be giving me a late estimate since I'm not getting one of their first vehicles.
I suspect it's because the FEs come out first. So the "normal" LCs are possibly what...May on? These first few are just bait for the fish.
A year ago, Broncos were going for $5k over MSRP. Now you can find most Bronco models for under MSRP. Time is on the buyer's side, unless you have to have a FE.

Unrelated - anyone know why Toyota didn't just call this a 2025 model? Is there a reason for a short 2024 production run?
My Canadian dealer indicated that the LC is virtually a 2025 model launch in Canada…very very few 2024s to go around. Hey….someone has to get the bugs out…might as well be our good friends in the US. 😊….hopefully not paying over MSRP for this privilege.
Looking back to my 4Runner purchase, the new model year vehicles usually show up between Sept and Nov, so not really that far fetched. Perhaps only FE for 2024 in Canada.
I remember the 2007 FJ Cruiser launched around March 2006. I purchased mine in September 2006 for $24,700 (MSRP was $26,100) and there were about 20 FJs available on dealer lots in the area at the time. How times have changed ...
I remember the 2007 FJ Cruiser launched around March 2006. I purchased mine in September 2006 for $24,700 (MSRP was $26,100) and there were about 20 FJs available on dealer lots in the area at the time. How times have changed ...
That they have. That they have.
A dealer I'm on a waiting list for here in Virginia just called me saying they didn't get any LC allocations this month, she expected them in April.
I dunno. Seems like just plain old capitalism to me. Free market. An item is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it. No more, no less. And right now there are wait lists a mile long at this price. So why wouldn't Toyota price it like this? Seems fair to me. Don't like it? Don't buy one.
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I dunno. Seems like just plain old capitalism to me. Free market. An item is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it. No more, no less. And right now there are wait lists a mile long at this price. So why I’wouldn't Toyota price it like this? Seems fair to me. Don't like it? Don't buy one.
Well the guy in the video has some good points but has he been living under a rock the last couple years? What has the inflation rate been the last few years? The whole supply chain was/is still messed up. It’s not just Toyota or Lexus…all the OEMs are doing the same. Like it or not vehicle prices, like food prices, like everything else prices have gone through the roof in just a couple years time. Yeah, none of us like it but it’s reality and just don’t buy it then.
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