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  1. Pierac

    Blacked out “Toyota” on front grill thoughts

    What black out???
  2. Pierac

    Is The New Toyota Land Cruiser a Towing Champ or Chump?

    Seems like ..... "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" .... come into play with this topic! Some Youtube towing videos... may fall into some personal statistics....
  3. Pierac

    Looking for 2024 Landcruiser Accessories only… No Land cruisers accessories MADE For Models before the 2024 reintroduction!!! Going for the Mountains.... Just ordered one today!
  4. Pierac

    Purchase Sep 9

    Sweet! I wanted Java... but got Black... and in Phoenix AZ of all places!
  5. Pierac

    Checking in from Alberta 🇨🇦

    Enjoy... Nuff said!
  6. Pierac

    Where do you put your keys

    YES.... You wil see so,.. Soon... I rest my case...
  7. Pierac

    Shortage forcing me to change color 💔

    Now.... they may.... Just May... Understand your post...
  8. It's hot.jpg

    It's hot.jpg

  9. Pierac

    Shortage forcing me to change color 💔

    Welcome to buying from Toyota.... You get what you get and you don't throw a fit! LOL I got the Meteor Shower... but wanted the Brown Leather... (really really bad!) not the Black! So.... I'm driving a Meteor Shower LC with Black Leather... I did not have 6 months or more to wait for the...
  10. Pierac

    Lockers and Disconnects

    From my limited You tube off road studies.... Yea.... you get the... I have no experience picture! 1. Locking the rear diff should only happen in Low range on Non... I repeat... Non high traction surfaces. Ie..Sand, Mud, slippery surfaces. 2. Locking the rear Dif will aid in keeping your LC...
  11. Pierac

    First impressions... Day 1

    FIRST MONTH..... 1. Getting use to having such a much bigger/larger vehicle... 2. Still getting Bitched at by my LC for not looking at the road... while trying to figure the Control panel... and Do... I still like my settings? ... My Bad!!! 3. Took the LC off road..... Barely off road...
  12. 20240831_150639[1].jpg


  13. Pierac

    Air Compressors - Best type to keep in LC? In the back of my LC as I type.... I like the ability to Set The PSI LIMIT!
  14. Pierac


    I personally think its all about how many Stops you have to take in any given trip. I get about 15 miles per gallon driving 5 miles in Eco mode. There are many Stop signs and red lights. I have tried on several trips to try and get better gas milage. Barely applying the gas at each stop and...
  15. Pierac

    Took it off-roading..:it’s in the shop

    I think the real issue is what Did you actually do? 1. Where you driving normal? or 2. Did you not give a crap about what's in the manuel and said... F' it ... I'm going for it.. ? 1 or 2 The truth will tell us on this forum what we need to know
  16. Pierac

    First impressions... Day 1

    Just a nother note... I forgot to talk about... The toyota app Suxs...Big time! It either refuses to load... like when I want to start my car while I'm about to finish shopping.... or it runs in the back ground and drains my phone Battery like I'm in the movie... Pretty Woman at the hotel!
  17. Pierac

    Took it off-roading..:it’s in the shop

    If I had to guess.... had to air down to ~8 psi ? I think... this was your problem? I'm not a off roader... but can you even drive with a tire at 8psi??? Did they stay on the rims?
  18. Pierac

    First impressions... Day 1

    Now has been about 3 weeks.... I named my new LC... The Beast! In some ways miss my smaller turbo Subaru Forester XT. But love this new Beast too! Gas milage suxs when driving short distances... My work is about 5 miles from my home.... I'm lucky to get 16.5 to 17 miles per gallon on this...
  19. Pierac

    How much water can they go through?

    I agree... However... this photo may void your warranty???
  20. Pierac

    Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

    Again... sensitive topic No right or wrong... How many keep a firearm in their car... So far about 2 or 3 of us...
  21. Pierac

    Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

    Yea and allowing your car to get stolen is no different. You need to secure it... A Garage is not secure! Leaving your LC unattended is irresponsible! How many deaths from stolen cars do you need to see before you stop leaving your car unattended? No difference!
  22. Pierac

    Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

    Said the guy that has his family intact... Your a product of your news outlet... Guns don't kill people... People do... Until you learn this your going to be what your are... Look at England... Knife attacks more than quadrupled...even after the knife ban! I rest my case... There are no...
  23. 9mm zoom.mp4

    9mm zoom.mp4

  24. Pierac

    Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

    Yea.... I taught my kids gun control.... But somehow... You think I need to be the one to protect you from society's issues .... Not my job! I got a question for you EOD... If some one broke into your car and stole it... would you be responsible if that guy ran a red light and killed my...
  25. Pierac

    Remote Starting

    I have the same issue every time.... I Just ignore it until I delete the app when the free trial runs out... slowly learning how to do the same with the key fob... much harder but it will be free for 10 years or more...
  26. Pierac

    Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

    Ohh skeet shooting... That brings back memories... getting old... My kids shot Skeet, Trap, and Sporting clays... I was a SCTP coach for the kids for years! In fact.. My son got a scholarship at Hillsdale College to shoot on the team. He was Team Caption his senior year! As far as I know...
  27. Pierac

    Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

    The non-confrontational option.... Is the best option!!! Here in AZ you never ever ever ever show your gun... unless your pulling the trigger!!! Arizona will let your carry to your hearts content... But you better never ever pull your gun unless your about to die.... !!! Gun lawyers here in...
  28. Pierac

    Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

    Glad I satrted this thread.... as it may be important for different states and laws I keep my gun in the glove box cold... if you shoot matches you know what that means.... And you stated... "Of course there is no point having a loaded firearm and it not being accessible if needed." You...
  29. Pierac

    Guns and Landcruisers... Hot Topic... Not for every one!

    Exactly what I what to know... How different are the laws and comfort levels over the nation. I was born and raised in Tennessee... Moved to Arizona... Having a gun in Tennessee was like having a glass of water.... No one payed attention as it's a normal thing... In fact 1/2 my students at my...