Looking for 2024 Landcruiser Accessories only… No Land cruisers accessories MADE For Models before the 2024 reintroduction!!!

I see these on eBay . . . don't know if they would work on US left hand drive LCs if they are different for driver's and passengers side? Also no idea if they are actually Toyota parts. But given how little storage space there is, maybe interesting (at a more reasonable price)?

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 2.50.17 PM.png
Needed miscellaneous storage more than a fridge, so I made a coolbox tray for sunglasses and the like. I designed it shallow enough so that 12oz cans still fit below so the coolbox could still be used for something. 3D printed in PETG
Thanks for maklng and sharing this. I printed it out today and it looks great, no issues on a Prusa printer. Picking up my LC next week and wanted to have it for the drive back home.
That's baller! How'd you guys get around the 120lb weight limit Toyota has put on the cargo area on top of the battery?
Thanks for the kind words! Jumping back into this thread: others have already replied but just confirming that weight limit is for just the cubby-cover itself.
I just had this delivered. My LC doesn’t have the wireless charger and this doesn’t fit properly. I was hoping it would work but it needs a much shallower floor to be flush. This is definitely meant for one with the charger.
Looking for “blackout” letters for the TOYOTA on the grille.
I just had this delivered. My LC doesn’t have the wireless charger and this doesn’t fit properly. I was hoping it would work but it needs a much shallower floor to be flush. This is definitely meant for one with the charger.
Yes it doesn't fit properly for me either. Returning it
Someone recently posted that a popular Toyota vinyl vendor is going to have those available for sale really soon…
I'm hoping someone makes one for the iForceMax badge too, i wouldn't mind blacking that out to match the Land Cruiser badge. (not really interested in removing it entirely)
It comes off very easily and cleanly. I did this and thinks it looks much better without.
Oh, I'm aware of that. I just personally don't like the look of the pictures I've seen with it removed, big empty space causing a visual imbalance.