Window Cracking Noise


📛 Founding Member
Sep 18, 2024
2024 LC
Okay, it's cold up here in Canada right now, I mean consistently below -35C (which is close to the F, I think -32F and -32F are the same). Anyways, when I hit bumps in the road, I get a loud cracking sound when it's been sitting in the cold for a while. I narrowed it down to the window touching the trim because I rolled it down an inch and the cracking sound went away (it's loud).

Should I be lubing the seals or something? What lube would I use that wouldn't grease up the glass?
Pretty close. It’s -40 that’s the same. -35C=-31 °F. Looking forward to it warming up in my area at least on Thursday.
Lived in Winnipeg for a few years back in the 80's. Wicked cold winters. The -45 plus 20mph winds down on Portage and Main were enough to make your testicles crawl up to the back of your throat to stay warm 🥶. I once made the mistake of going through a car wash and got frozen stuck for two hours waiting for the crappy heater on a VW Rabbit diesel to defrost one of the windows enough to crawl out. Then the car sat in the same spot for 3 weeks until the deep freeze finally broke.

The cracking is likely the condensation freezing inside the car right where you are hearing the noise. You can try applying some silicone lube to the seals if you can get the vehicle warmed up first (like park in a garage overnight). In a pinch spritzing a little rubbing alcohol will melt the frost though it will dry out rubber parts over time and it's best to only use if already at ambient temperature otherwise at those low temps a warmer fluid on glass could cause it to shatter.
I have the same noise here in WI whenever it is below 0F/-20C. Putting on window seal silicone lubricant helps.
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There's about a 1/4" gap between the exterior pillar frame and front windshield edges. I found out there was ice forming inside the gap causing the same disconcerting cracking noise. Removed the ice buildup and sound went away. Personally I think it's a design flaw during winter weather.