The hybrid that can't...

Plenty of warranty left and time in the year since purchase. If there is a problem it will result in performance problems or engine failure. I’d prefer no one touch mine at a dealership unless I’m experiencing mechanical performance problems. So I’m going to drive on and enjoy it, if there’s a recall or I experience any issues I’ll take care of it then. I’m still under 1,000 miles, looking forward to seeing what the break in oil looks like, about 300 miles to go.
Maybe the perfmance issue is the sub 20MPG people are reporting?
Suggestion: Run your tanks almost empty and fill up with Shell premium. I did this yesterday for the first time and the noises I had on low rev and cold start disappeared immediately. The LC 4cyl sound isn’t even noticeable any longer.
BLUF: Brought in for exhaust leak and i'm being told Toyota is pulling the engine to work on cylinder 1.

Update as of Aug 5, 2024:
"Hi Brandon, just called Toyota. They are still waiting to hear back from the Product Engineer. Unfortunately, he does not have an ETA yet."

Story below:
Well... here we are 3 weeks, 500 miles into the new of those weeks it's been in the shop...and will be for the foreseeable future. How it started...

It's a cooler Monday morning in Colorado and I'm leaving to go get my LC PPF'd. I think to myself... it's super nice out this morning...I'm going to roll my windows down and feel the cool mountain air on my way. Well... as soon as I do and I hit the accelerator to leave the house I hear what sounds like an exhaust leak.... that's weird. I drive about 3 blocks and and then I decide to turn around and check it out from the driveway. I pull into the driveway and I listen to it at idle....nothing... just normal loud injector noise. So I get back in and decide to put in neutral and rev a little bit and hold the gas down... yep!!! there it is... clear as day. Well crap... So I decide to stop over at Toyota on the way to get my PPF installed. Make an appointment for the following Monday and drive off. One thing I noticed was that after the engine warmed up...the noise went away. So... I keep that in the back of my head and I drop off my vehicle with the PPF installer. Fast forward to the weekend(no PPF got installed, another long story but maybe a blessing now) when I want to go drive the mountain pass and see how it handles a little bit on the windy roads and elevation gain. Same thing. On cold engine I hear the exhaust leak. When the engine warmed up. It went away. Fast forward.....

Monday 8 July, 2024
I drop off my vehicle and tell the advisor everything mentioned above. They order a Lyft for me and off I go to the house. Patiently waiting for a response.

Advisor (text): 3:16PM the tech finally gets to it or that's when my advisor texted me to let me know.

(text) At 5:52 PM I get another text "Hi Brandon we are going to need to keep overnight and talk with Toyota to make sure whether a normal noise or something that could be a know issue. To cover all bases."

ME (text): "You guys are hearing it though. Right? Do y'all do a leak down test or anything like that? Did you check against any other of your vehicles with the same engine to see if they do the same thing?"

crickets from my advisor....

Wednesday 10 July, 2024
Advisor(text): 12:57 PM "Hi Brandon we will put you into a loaner. bring drivers license ,proof of insurance and credit card."
Me(text): "Hey there. I look forward to hearing more about what's going on with my LC when I come in. Can you send a Lyft to pick me up?"

about 3 minutes pass and I get a notification that a Lyft is on the way (lyft app). I'm thinking to myself... I guess that means they are sending a Lyft.
about 15 minutes pass until the Lyft shows up and I get to the Service desk....

me to the advisor (in person): "So.. what's going on with it?".
Advisor (in person): "Tech looked at it and hears it but we need to have a field technician look at it to help identify what's going on. They are flying in from Arizona."
Me (in person): Great! Should I hear something back soon? When does the tech come in?
Advisor (in person): I'm not sure but..we will let you know as soon as we know something. Here's "Ed" to help you with the loaner.
Me: (in person) thanks. I look forward to hearing back from ya'll.

I get my loaner (4runner...not cleaned, didn't run particularly well. Made me appreciate the LC even more)

Friday 12 July, 2024
Advisor(text): 7:09 AM .... "Hi Brandon they found the noise coming from cylinder #1 Toyota is requesting tear down of engine to find problem."
Me (text) : "Um...what does that mean for me getting in my brand new vehicle? They are looking to replace the thing that is broke or pull the engine and replace the whole engine?"
Advisor (text): "That means the tech has to take apart to point of failure. What ever the failure is means they replace that part. Whether being a cylinder head or block."
Me (text): "What's the timeline on something like that?"
Me (text): replied with thumbs up emoji.

end of July update:
My engine is torn apart at the Toyota dealership. What I've pieced together from Service rep, "engineer", and sales person because they are all chatting about it. Big news at the dealership.

The engineer removed fuel from each cylinder to locate which cylinder the noise was coming from. When removing fuel from cylinder 1 the noise went away. This lead to a total tear down of the engine (in pictures). The engineer is thinking bad universal bearing in the block. There were metal shavings in the oil as well. They are waiting for Toyota corporate to send someone out to verify the findings.

Replacement part: Block
Replacement time: ETA 1 year.... :mad:

So... at this point i'm pretty frustrated and I basically tell them I'm not taking the vehicle back. The sales person mentioned they could put me in another one that was coming in (trade out my other one for no additional money). I agreed to this.

A week passes and I get a text message that a LC LC model has come in and we agreed that we should wait until the next day to test for the same issue (need cold engine). The next morning I head over...we make our way out to this new Pearl White one and same issue... knock on cold engine...goes away after warmup (about 5 mins of driving). Then we decided to check a First Edition that they had and....same thing. The one thing they all had in common is the Hino Plant production (based off of vin number). At this point i've decided maybe it's best to get my money back and go that route.

I call toyota corporate: They give me a new case # and tell me it has to go to another department and I should hear something within 48 hours.

24 hours pass.... and I am told it takes 10 business days to get an email to tell me the process for lemon law. It will then take another 30-45 days for the lemon law to finalized. I feel like my credit and downpayment are being held hostage on Toyota's poor customer service.

Update: Aug 5, 2024: "Hi Brandon, just called Toyota. They are still waiting to hear back from the Product Engineer. Unfortunately, he does not have an ETA yet."

I've decided to go with the other vehicle I was test driving at the time. Ford Ranger Raptor. They were both in my wheel house and I was looking for something that I could do more Overlanding in. Hope this Ranger does a little better. Should pick up in about another week. Still waiting on the Regional office in Denver to give me next steps and timeline on my Lemon Law.

View attachment 4612
This terrifies me because I traded in my 2021 4runner pro lunar rock (heavily modded for off roading on a new 2024 hyundai palisade night edition (please limit comments and consider it a senior moment). Fast forward to sept. 20th and I’ve since had a new engine put in my palisade due to a faulty valve spring issue and am in process of a buy back with Hyundai (since it was out of commission since March 5th).

Meanwhile, my trail dust LCLC is now en route now with my deposit on it and a few mods to be installed at the dealer. I wish you all the best and certainly hope I don’t end up in the same boat I did with tha palisade…. Sure do miss my runner….
This terrifies me because I traded in my 2021 4runner pro lunar rock (heavily modded for off roading on a new 2024 hyundai palisade night edition (please limit comments and consider it a senior moment). Fast forward to sept. 20th and I’ve since had a new engine put in my palisade due to a faulty valve spring issue and am in process of a buy back with Hyundai (since it was out of commission since March 5th).

Meanwhile, my trail dust LCLC is now en route now with my deposit on it and a few mods to be installed at the dealer. I wish you all the best and certainly hope I don’t end up in the same boat I did with tha palisade…. Sure do miss my runner….
I’ve got 5,000 miles on my Land Cruiser and it’s great and I’ve had no issues. There will be a few bad ones in every batch but there aren’t systemic issues with the new Land Cruiser.
I’ve got 5,000 miles on my Land Cruiser and it’s great and I’ve had no issues. There will be a few bad ones in every batch but there aren’t systemic issues with the new Land Cruiser.
Appreciate that…. It was the same with the palisade. The engine recall/replacement was limited to those manufactured in a specific 3-week period and mine happened to fall into that span. My luck hasn’t been the best this entire year so hoping things turn a corner and my LC ownership experience is a good one.
Really sorry to hear this mess. I bought one from Corwin on September 4. It was from Tahara though. I guess they get allocation from both plants. Mine seems to run fine.. However, I'll sure be listening for anything strange.
Alright…finally got an answer. The service advisor said it’s piston slap. Bad tolerances.

Toyota is also picking up my vehicle (lemon law-buy back) the dealership probably next week. Waiting to hear back from a carrier.

Did see the vehicle too. They have the hood resting on the roof. A new engine is partially in… from what I heard, these things go to auction.
Alright…finally got an answer. The service advisor said it’s piston slap. Bad tolerances.

Toyota is also picking up my vehicle (lemon law-buy back) the dealership probably next week. Waiting to hear back from a carrier.

Did see the vehicle too. They have the hood resting on the roof. A new engine is partially in… from what I heard, these things go to auction. View attachment 12876
Happy you finally got an answer and some closure. For the rest of us, I think it’s not terrible news, as my understanding is that piston slap is not fatal to the engine just something you have to tolerate from a sound perspective. Is that correct?
Alright…finally got an answer. The service advisor said it’s piston slap. Bad tolerances.

Toyota is also picking up my vehicle (lemon law-buy back) the dealership probably next week. Waiting to hear back from a carrier.

Did see the vehicle too. They have the hood resting on the roof. A new engine is partially in… from what I heard, these things go to auction. View attachment 12876
Thank you for letting us know the outcome
Happy you finally got an answer and some closure. For the rest of us, I think it’s not terrible news, as my understanding is that piston slap is not fatal to the engine just something you have to tolerate from a sound perspective. Is that correct?
This is what I'm wondering: Are the noises he heard that same thing that we all hear and have been telling ourselves is normal injector chatter? My understanding is that piston slap is a serious issue that should be fixed.
Happy you finally got an answer and some closure. For the rest of us, I think it’s not terrible news, as my understanding is that piston slap is not fatal to the engine just something you have to tolerate from a sound perspective. Is that correct?
it should depend on how bad the tolerance is.
This is what I'm wondering: Are the noises he heard that same thing that we all hear and have been telling ourselves is normal injector chatter? My understanding is that piston slap is a serious issue that should be fixed.
Prob gets worse over time