After a great deal of research, with the initial intent to wait for the 2025 reworked 4 Runner, decided to go in the direction of the 1958 LC. Wanted something that would last, but also handle driving on the beaches of The Outer Banks. Won’t be doing that though until our designated beach buggy, 2018 Dodge Ram gives up the ghost! So far so good love the 1958, opted not to go with the next model up since all the bells and whistles did not interest me. The car is quite, smooth ride, safety suite is unmatched in terms of standard equipment. Only issues I did not know up front: Must use premium gas, can live with that one. The other issue though is the “w” shadow when using low beams on a dark road. Dealership claims they were unaware and are reporting to Toyota, but I have seen discussion on this forum as well as others. Any updates on a fix, or do we simply live with it?
Thanks for any insight.
Thanks for any insight.